Chapter 5: We Meet Again

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Four years had passed. A full year of Sam missing and in prison, a large battle for the earth you had miraculously survived after you were migrated to Wakanda under protection of the city. Unfortunately, they had lost Captain America during the battle, and almost Vision too.

You had been there for the funeral for Steve, standing by Sam. The ex-war criminals had been forgiven after what was called to the 'Infinity War'. Sam had cried hard after losing his best friend, and you cried with him. Steve got shot by a bullet made by Doomsday and was put back into his frozen-state that Fury said he'd likely never wake from. Sam still held slight hope, but you told him he should move on just in case that wasn't the case.

It had been two years of peace from aliens and gods, and the worse thing that would come up would be wild mutants and Hydra. You were glad to be at home with your family, to be at peace...Vision never spoke to you though. The most you had heard from him after the fight was his condolences for Steve.

Today though, today was your first day of work. You were free of college and going on to work as a neurosurgeon for S.H.I.E.L.D. You'd never been happier. Sam had been a bit reluctant at first, but he was glad to have you close by.
What you didn't expect was to bump into Vision when you entered the Avenger's Facility.

"(Y/N)." He greeted with a slightly surprised look.

"Vision." You said softly. He looked at you for a long while until you spoke. "I'm working here now. We'll see a lot of each other I guess."

"Indeed. I was the one who approved your application." He smiled softly and your eyes widened.

"Really? Thank you!" You hugged him, arms around his neck in joy. Despite the lingering heartache, it felt good to hug him. He was as warm as you remembered. His arms wrapped around your waist, returning the hug.

"It was a selfish act on my behalf really." You blinked in surprise.


"Nothing. Enjoy your day." His hands left you and he disappeared through a walk. You could feel his warmth lingering on your skin, and you wished to hug him again.

"The past is the past (Y/N)...For now, you have work." You told yourself out loud and ran off to make sure you weren't late.

"The past can always be brought up though." Vision replied, mostly to himself as he closed his eyes and went to train.


A/N: I'm sorry I killed Steve! But I'm a bitch like that. He might come back sometime at the end of this story *shrug* 😛

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