Chapter 6: My Pack=My Heart

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You were setting into your job easily, most of it being filing or physical therapy for S.H.I.E.L.D agents. You enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Feeling better, Agent Coulson?" You smiled as you lowered his arm. He took a nasty hit to a nerve in his shoulder and it made him twitchy. He was recovering well though.

"Please, call me Phil. And yes, much better." He returned your smile as he stood.

"I'm glad. You should be stable within the month. Just don't forget your med's and rest your shoulder as much as possible. I'll see you Thursday." You dismissed him as Sam entered your examination room.

"Look at my little sister, being all professional and shit." Sam teased.

"Don't you have better things to do? Like, wooing Wanda to date you? Ew, by the way." You said childishly, poking your tongue at him.

"She'll come around." Sam smirked.

"And you ban me from dating your friends."

"That's because my friends are nowhere near as innocent as you." He pinched your cheeks, making you huff.

"I hope Wanda suffocates you in your sleep." You grumbled.

"That means she's in my bed, so I'll take my chances."

"Sam! Gross, that's my best friend!"

"Your hot best friend."

"I can hear 'best friends brother' in the back of my head." You groaned.

"Hey, that song was the shit! Tori's voice is superb." Sam mocked offence.

"Yeah, yeah, go ask Wanda to lunch, she hinted she's free."

"Boo yah! You are the best little sis ever." He ruffled your hair. "Now give me some sugar."

"You're such a kid." You rolled your eyes and pecked his cheek. He walked out with a wave. You watched him go with a sigh, turning to your desk.

"(Y/N)." You jumped in surprise, whipping around to Vision.

"Hey Vision..." Things still felt awkward between them, at least on your side. It was only a kiss, but it was the only memory of physical affection between them. It was like confessing to someone, being rejected and having to see them everyday. Actually, it was basically that.

"War Machine requests your assistance." He informed.

"Oh, lead the way." You followed him through the hallways, but paused when he stopped. "What's up?" You asked in confusion.

"I hope you will forgive me, but I lied about Mr Rhodes. I simply wished for your company." You blinked in surprise.

"Why on earth do you need my company? That past is-"

"Always a welcoming subject if you would take it up with me." He interjected, stopping you from walking away, hand on your waist. Your stomach fluttered with flustered butterflies. You looked up at him, his jungle river eyes the same as you remembered them.

"You crushed my pack. Do you remember what that mean?" You said lowly.

"I remember everything." He said solemnly.

"Then you should understand why I left. That pack was my heart, and you crushed it." You pushed his hand off your waist and walked past him, willing yourself not to cry.

"I am sorry, (Y/N)." Your steps faltered for only a moment before you continued your strides, leaving him alone in the hallway.

He was an android. You were human. In the end, he was analytical and cold despite his warm body, and you were emotional and hopeful despite your cynical words. You didn't see how it could ever work.

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