Chapter 7: The Tech Guy, Paul

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You were walking from the cafeteria (a handy instalment curtesy of Tony Stark) with a tray in hand, planning to eat in your office when a voice made you jump.

"(Y/N)." You dropped your lunch, and would have ruined it if not for the hand that grabbed it before so. It was slightly tanned, wrist pale as they brought it back to her hands. "Apologies. I did not mean to startle you." You turned to the man with tuffs of spiky, messy blonde hair and beautiful river eyes. The corner of his eyes crinkled with his smile, probably a good decade older than you but the looks of it. He kept in good shape though, you appraised to yourself.

"It's no problem. I guess I just jump easy." You forced a laugh, nervous under his gaze. Who was this guy?

"You were unaware. I find I cause that reaction often." He chuckled as your mind tingled with recognition. His voice sounded strangely familiar, but you were sure you'd never met him.

"Well, I'm (Y/N)..." You paused. "As you already know I guess, seeing as you called my name." You rubbed your neck sheepishly. "I don't think I've seen you around though. Where about's do you work around here?"

"Oh, I work with the Technology..." He replied, offering his hand. "You can call me...Paul."

"Paul? I like it." You smiled, a stir of butterflies in your gut as you shook his hand. Maybe this guy would be a good distraction from your conflicting feelings towards Vision. He was handsome and had intelligent eyes, and you wished to talk for evenings about your work with someone who was interested.

"I would be concerned if you didn't like my own name." He joked, making you chuckle.

"Well, I was about to go eat lunch...would you perhaps like to join me? I usually eat alone to work, and it's not easy to make friends when you're always busy I guess." You offered, hoping he'd accept.

"I think I'd like that." Paul smiled, letting you lead him away to your quiet office to sit. You made easy conversation with the man, learning a few things.

He had no siblings and didn't know his parents, he was socially awkward it seemed, and he loved cooking even though he was apparently terrible at it. The last one made you laugh, recounting how an old friends of yours made you and your friend a spaghetti paprika to lift your moods but your friend had to step it to make it taste any good. His lips tilted upwards as you told the story, something fond in his eyes.

"He sounds kind." He mused.

"He is. Was. I don't know, I don't really talk to him anymore. We had a fight and never really got over our differences." You admitted reluctantly.

"What 'differences' couldn't you over come?" He asked, voice a mix of concern and disbelief.

"...The fact that he was perfect, but so obviously not human enough to be mine."


You saw less and less of Vision as the days went by, and more and more of Paul. You and Paul became quick friends, thought you knew you wanted more than that. It had only been a few weeks though, and you didn't want to rush things. Plus, you were busy enough with work. Whenever you weren't at work, you were at home using your free time to binge TV shows and do your own things.

You were willing to spare some of your own time for Paul though when he asked you to come out to dinner with him.

"Dinner? Sure, I mean, when do you want to go?" You asked, heart pounding in your chest with excitement.

"Tonight if you're free. I can pick you up at six?" He smiled, words tentative.

"How about I'll meet you there? It'd be easier for both of us I'm sure." You said instead, not wanting any chance of Sam seeing you go out with a guy who's probably older than he was.

"Alright, I'd like that. I'll see you at Satelo's Italian Diner then?"

"Sound's great." You agreed, marking the name of the restaurant down mentally. "I'll see you later, Paul." He said, turning around to leave.

"And I, you." He said, and you tensed for a moment, shaken by how much he sounded like Vision before you shook it off and kept walking. There was no way Paul was Vision, because Paul was human, and Vision...Vision was simply a machine.


You smiled as you smoothed out your simple black skirt, a soft, thick white shirt that frilled around the sleeves to contrast. You wrapped your grey trenchcoat tighter around your body as you stepped out of the cool evening air into the warm scenery of the restaurant.

The place had fairy lights handing along the walls, artwork and photography from around the country of Italy adding some colour to the mainly red and white restaurant. 

"(Y/N)." You spotted Paul already seated at a table for two, making your way over to him. You took in his beige sweater vest and folded light blue collar of his dress shirt and couldn't help but chuckle. It suited him, even if he looked like a librarian.

"You look homely." You joked, but it was the truth.

"And you look lovely. Please, sit." You did so, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table. 

"So, why the fancy-ish dinner?" You hummed questioningly.

"I wanted to talk outside of work. The lab can be...suffocating at times. Even I need fresh air." 

"Well, I'm glad you decided I was good enough company to spend your 'fresh air' with." You chuckled, shifting in your seat. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"

"...What's your brothers intentions with Wanda? I'm quite curious as they seem...close." He seemed slightly defensive of the fact.

"Sam likes her, thinks she's cute. I don't know what else is to it really. Wanda doesn't seem to dislike his advances at least." You shrugged. "Wanda and I were really close a few years back, but thinks change and we're more casual friends now more than anything. We're always busy and it's hard to talk often. But Sam seems to make her happy, and he's happy, so who am I to say no to that?"

"I see..." Paul murmured. "What would you say your love life is like? I never did ask if you were seeing anyone."

"I thought it was obvious I was single. I don't exactly have time to date anyway...Not outside work at least." She hinted, looking to see if he got it before looking away. "But besides that, my love life has been mostly crash and burns. Heartbreak and heartache and all that often Taylor Swift nonsense." You laughed bitterly, thinking of Vision.

"Hmm." He made a vague noise of interest, river eyes glued to her. "Why would you say that? Your last relationship couldn't have been that bad."

"...Well, he broke my heart, so I categorize that as bad."


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