Chapter 4: Crush My Heart Gently

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Vision could only give a quick explanation, but he let it slip at where he was going when Stark called him in to the airport in Germany. The moment he left, you were quick to go to the Falcon room. You had only seen it once when Sam gave you a tour, but you knew there was a spare suit. It was an emergency after all. FRIDAY questioned you when you went to find a jet after suiting up in the blue Falcon suit.

"Why are you entering the Flight room?"

"Clint called me. He said he forgot an important arrow on board of...number two a few months ago. He wants me to drop it by the airport so Stark can win the fight last minute." You hoped to god that's what they called them.

"I will ready the auto pilot MARCUS then." You let out a sigh of relief as you ran down to the jet and hopped in.

"I'm coming Sammy." You said firmly as you sat in the pilots seat.


You told MARCUS to land two kilometres away from the destination. You landed on green grass outside of the airport.

"Time to test this bad boy out. It's probably like Sam's anyway." You mumbled to yourself as you extended your wings, running as a starter before you were suddenly raised off the ground. You let out an excited gasp, laughing a bit in awe as you got closer to the airport.

You could see smoke in the air, flickers of flame in your vision. Were you too late? You arrived right as the two lines of Avengers stood apart from each other. Your heart exploded with joy when you saw Sam. He was safe!

But he was against Vision and Peter. Peter your friend and Vision your (you kinda accepted it already) crush. Wanda was besides Sam though, Steve and the Winter Soldier. They seemed to be talking, so you went to intervene. You swooped down between them, taking your googles off and tossing your hair out of your face

"(Y/N)! What the hell are you doing here?!" Sam said in outrage. "You're supposed to be at home! Get behind me, this isn't your war." He made a gesture for you to come to him. You didn't move though.

"Do you have to fight though? Can't you just compromise for once? Steve's being selfish and Tony's being selfless, can't you just be a bit of the inbetween?!" You were annoyed and angry. "This is tearing the Avengers apart, and I feel like I'm the only voice of reason here! Steve deserves to keep his friends, old and new. Steve has finally found a family, can we not let him have that?" You knew if you lost Sam, you'd be torn apart, and Steve would be the same with Bucky.

"You're a kid, you wouldn't understand." Tony told you, making you glare.

"I'm in my fourth year of neuroscience Stark, I won't hesitate to fuck up your nerves."

"Sam, control your sister. Please." Steve sighed.

"Wait." Sam was about to come pulled you away from the centre when Vision floated towards you. His hand was extended to you in peace. "I wish to ask what you want."

"What I want? I- I want my brother to come home, I want my friends to be friends again. None of you deserve to suffer your relationships because of this."

"Pick a side and be done with it." Tony said with a scowl behind his mask.

"A side?" Was this the only option you got?

"(Y/N)." You looked over to Sam. He beckoned you to come to him. You really wanted to. As well. Wanda stared at you, her eyes begging you to join her as she held Pietro's hand tightly. You turned away from her to look at Vision.

"Ask me again. I need to know what you mean."

"I wish for you not to fight, but if you must, I wish for you to pick what side you feel is right. What do you think is the right choice?" His eyes connected with yours, his green-blue staring into your (e/c) orbs, his hand still out for you to take. You could take it. You could take the red velvety hand and stand besides him, forget who you're fighting and just help him win...But it wasn't that easy.

You clenched your hands into fists, nails almost biting into your palms.

"I'm sorry but...He's my brother. If Steve lost Bucky, it would be like me losing Sam." You sighed softly, staring at the ground.

"Then I am sorry about this also." Vision suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms bridal style.

"Fly her safe distance away and destroy that her wings!" Tony ordered and Vision did so.

"You bastard!" Sam yelled. The fight was on as they ran at each other. You were occupied as you hit Vision's chest. He didn't stop you at all though.

"Let me down! I have to help Sam and Wanda!" The airport was getting smaller and smaller.

"You once asked if I feel pain." That made you freeze, the air around you softer now as he hovered down to the ground. "I told you I did. I always thought physical pain was an obvious one, but emotional pain, I figured I did not feel as much as I was not entirely human." You were placed on the ground softly. He took your hand.

"The emotional pain is much like the physical. Your words...when you're upset, it feels as if your hand," He placed it against his chest, right over his synthetic heart. You could feel it thrum. "Is slowly curling around it..." He compacted your hand to a fist. "And squeezing without mercy. You would call that sadness, correct?"

Your breath felt lodged in your throat. You kept your hand there even after he let go. You slowly nodded.

"Yeah...Its called heartache." You whispered. He caught your words though.

"That is caused by nerves?"

"Vision, why aren't you going back already? You have a battle to fight." You sighed, unbuckling your suit and passing it to him. Your eyes met him. "Crush it. That is what you will do to my heart after all. It's your duty. Stark says so."

He stared down at it with a thoughtful gaze. Slowly, his hands tightened on the metal and it bent and broke, glass cracking and falling to the ground. He rested the remained on the ground gently.

"I am truly sorry." His eyes proved his sincerity. "I did not wish for it to come to this."

"Promise me something Vision."

"If it will make up for my unknown cruelties."

"It will...Don't let anyone die. Not one...Keep them safe." You placed your hand on his red neck, feeling the light thump of a heart beat. "Promise me."

"I won't let any of them pass on if it's within my power."

"That's all I can hope for I guess." You sniffled and laughed dryly before you pulled him down by his neck. Your lips connected softly. He'd already crushed your suit, made his promise, and you didn't think you two would ever talk again after this. They were on the governments side. They'd be praised while your brother and friends exiled as criminals no doubt.

So you took his first kiss and left him in the dust as your jet came down to pick you up. He stared after you silently, for once not asking a single question as the jet door closed and took off.

Moments later, he was called by Tony and left to make sure everyone was okay. He had a promise to keep after all.


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