The blue box

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It's a busy crowded day in Glenhaze Australia. You just got off the bus and you're currently walking across to the pool to meet your best friends. You love summer. It's legit the best. Swimming, ice creams, beaches,all make for a .. great aesthetically pleasing photo! Oh yeah, and a good time. Forgot about that.

As you run down the track to your pool, You notice some stranger staring at you from across the street. He's dressed weirdly, not suited to summer at all. Like, no one wears a long brown trench coat with a blue suit and converse in the summer! Come on! But it looks good on him. He's young, with the best hair you've ever seen, and just a kind of...ummm...presence, of.. something else around him.
But still, a strangers a stranger and you need to get to your friends

It's as you make this decision that he starts to walk towards you. Well then, that's creepy. You're getting out of here. You break into a run, pelting your nikes down the well beaten trail. He comes after you, the trench coat flying out behind him, as you pour on more speed. He's fast, faster then he looks. The only thing going on in your mind is to get to the pool before he can catch up so that you can get help.

No such luck

He grabs your arm, spins you around so you're now walking in step with him the way you came, and starts marching you up the hill.
"Who are you?" You yell "Where are you from? Where are you taking me? I'm gonna call the cops on you!"
"Stop struggling" the man says, trying to get a better grip on your arm
"No! Help! Someone, help me! Um... FIRE! FIRE! SOMEONE PLEASE!"
"Y/n I need you to calm down. Your going to attract every Dalek within a mile with that screaming"
"How do you know my name?" you ask, apprehensively "and what's a Dalek?"
He sighs and starts explaining thing that make absolutely NO sense
"I'm the Doctor. I'm a time traveler. The Dalek are a race of stubborn robots who now have their targets set on you. The only way to get them off this planet to somewhere I can kill them easier is for you to come with me to the TARDIS"
"WHAT?" You scream "How? What? Why? A Dalek? Why do they want me? What did I do? What's a TARDIS? And what's your name? Let gO of me!"
"Me, the Doctor. You, wanted by daleks, me don't know why. Me, know you need to get out of here before they find you and kill you! There's one now!" You spin and see a kind of cylindrical robot, with.. almost a plunger, and a whisk attached to it? It starts speaking in the strangest voice you've ever heard
"Y/n look at me. You have to trust me. I can help you get out of this mess, but I need you to come with me now" his face looks urgent, his eyes flaring, as he runs his tongue over his teeth
"But what about my family? My friends? They'll wonder where I've gone..."
The robot thing is approaching fast
"The TARDIS is a time machine. I can return you here yesterday if I want. Come on y/n!!"
You hear the thing stop a couple of feet away. Slowly, you wheel around to face it when it screams
"RUN!" The man yells, grabbing your arm once more as we run away from the plunger robot. You see nothing, just the green blur of bushes and trees flying past as you two sprint to god knows where, but this guy seems to have an idea.
"Get in!" He says urgently, opening the door to some blue 'police box'. With a last glance over your shoulder, you hurry inside the phone booth whilst the man shuts the door behind you.And then you notice...

"It's bigger ... on the inside" you murmur.

It's a wide domed room, with some kind of, who knows, control panel in the middle? There are pathways leading off in all directions, around the centre room. Upon closer look, the control board has TVs, levers, and buttons of all kind, and post-it notes stuck all over with different patterns inside circles.
"This, y/n, is the TARDIS. She's my time travel machine" the man says, patting the controls fondly
"I'm sorry, but one last time, what's your name?"
"I'm the Doctor"
"Ok, but what's your name?"
"That's what I go by. The Doctor, saving lives since anybody and everybody can remember."
"So, Doctor, why do these robots want me?"
"I'm not sure, to be honest. But I can find out. And we can find out other things, discover other species and go meet anyone you want, anywhere you want, anywhen you want. What'd you say y/n. Are you in?"
You stand there, looking at his outstretched hand, and you think. You think about the life you could leave behind. Split up parents, friends, boring monotonous days at school. Or an amazing world where you can go anywhere, be anyone, meet anyone. You look up and smile at him
"Alright Doctor. Show me the universe"
His face lights up with the biggest smile you've ever seen.
"Well then, best not delay! I have somewhere I think you'd LOVE to go." He flicks a couple switches, pulls a couple levers, types a couple things. "Allonsy!"

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you'll enjoy this Doctor x reader fanfic, and I hope it actually turns out well. This is the one where you fall in love with Ten, my personal favourite doctor, and if all goes well there will be more with the other Doctors


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