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The Doctor walks along pulling you in his wake. He seems to be headed somewhere but as long as it's in this beautiful city, you don't care where. As he guides you around each corner, you see more bedazzling apartment towers and gorgeous parks

"Hey Doctor," you say, squeezing his hand to get his attention "You said this is Yarik?"
"Like, as in, a whole other planet?"
"Yeah it is. Why?"
"Well I was just wondering how everyone looks so...ah....human" He seems confused for a little as to what you mean
"They do?" He asks "Y/n, have you actually, looked at these people?" He shoves you lightly "or have you been too...distracted?"
"What??" For the first time since the Doctor took your hand you look lower then five metres above your head. In the bustling streets around you, you see people. People, who look human upon first glance, but then you look closer and you see little details that show they can't possibly be the same species as you. One of them has her face intricately laced with blue ribbons, whilst another man you see is strutting along with a sharks fin protruding from his back. You jump, and the Doctor lets out such a loud laugh as you squeeze his hand and pull behind him.

"Doctor... are you sure we're safe here?" You question, apprehensively " I mean, it's stunning, but is it safe?"
"Don't worry, there's no reason to be scared y/n, I've got you" he cheekily grins at you as you roll your eyes " The Yarikans wouldn't hurt a fly. And that reminds me" he taps a nearby man with a forked tongue. "Excuse me? 'Ello, I was just wondering if I could get directions to the 'Hicliar'?"
"Ah yes sir!" The man replies in a heavy Indian accent. At least, it sounds kinda Indian. "Down the street there, and when you pass the tall, peridot building turn right!"
"Thank you, kind sir!" The Doctor says after the mans shrinking back. He jumps ahead of you, beaming at whatever he's got planned for you two. "You heard him! I'll race ya!" He pelts down the street at an alarming pace for a man in suit pants. You stand there, staring after him for a while thinking 'One of the few times we don't have to run, and what does he wanna do? Run'

You roll your eyes at him when you get to the café he's panting outside of, and he laughs.
"I... win..." he wheezes.
"Up you get." You hoist him upright, as he brushes himself off and fixes his collar. He runs his hand through his hair as you look at him expectantly
"Wot?" He asks, in his amazing British accent. Not amazing cos it's his. You didn't think that. You just love British accents. That's all. Yeah. Ok then.
"What are we doing here?" You ask impatiently, arms crossed, foot tapping, looking mad...hopefully
"This y/n, is the Hiclair. My favourite café in the whole of this galaxy. You wanna come inside?" You nod quickly, staring at the tantalisingly close cafe window
"Come on then. Allonsy!" He grins and bounds in. And for once, you reply with the same grin and follow suit

Doctor x Reader (10) Where stories live. Discover now