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Your POV

Your eyes flicked between the Doctor and this new woman in front of you.
She looked around, before looking back at him.
"I like what you've done with the place" and smiled. The Doctor stayed silent, staring at the lady. And then all of a sudden he ran over and hugged her. She laughed in his arms as he spun her around, positively glowing with happiness.
"Rose, meet y/n," the Doctor said breathlessly "y/n, This is Rose Tyler. She's an old companion of mine"

Oh. Her

"Hi" she said, lifting a hand and waving at you. You smiled sadly at her
" Come onnnn, lots to do. Allonsy!" The Doctor flashes you both a cheeky, kid-like grin and proceeds to run back to the main hub of the TARDIS.

"So.." she says "you're his new companion?" You nod, still really uncomfortable and awkward, when she smiles again "he has good taste"
"Thanks" you say "and you're the Rose, aren't you?"
"The Rose?"
"Oh yes. He never forgot you. Every so often, I'd do something that reminds him of you, and he'd always get this really sad look, and whisper "rose" and I never knew what he was on about" you say, gushing
"He always did hold on to things for too long." She said, almost to herself
"What?! You want him to forget you?!" You ask, incredulous
"Not forget me, no. Just... not constantly remind his new companions of me. Because I've talked to some of the others, a woman called Martha Jones, and she said, quote "if I ever do anything good, Rose could've done it. If we were ever in a bad problem, Rose could sort it. If he ever was sad, he'd go and linger at the door of Roses room." I don't want him to do that to anyone, I want him to move on. Remember me, but not torture the others. So maybe I'll ruin it. It's the best way. He can remember the good times, but also won't dwell on me because I "changed""
You stop, taken aback
"Whoa Rose. That's... that's so nice. No wonder he loves you." She giggled softly
"Loved, y/n. Loved" and with that, you two exit the room to make sure your alien didn't kill himself


The Doctors POV

"There you are!" I greet both girls as they come into the room. "Where d'ya wanna go?" I ask, already pulling levers and flicking switches so we can go somewhere
"Oh! Can we go Paudvena?" Y/n asks, rushing around the console to stand beside me, as always. I smile to her, and then I look at Rose "Sounds good to me! Rose?"
"!" She says, sounding fierce, but also a little shy
"What?" I ask, confused. Rose has never said no to anywhere! What's going on..
"You heard me! I don't wanna go! I want to go to Barcelona. You always talked about Barcelona. Let's go to Barcelona."
I'm so confused. Rose doesn't act this way. This isn't the Rose I know. I slowly walk over to her, carefully. Is she possessed? What's happened to my Rose? As I get closer, I reach out to touch her face and she quickly turns away. She spins back to the control board and resets us for Barcelona. She looks at me and y/n.
"There" she says, meanly "ha ha sucked in you don't get to go to Paudenva!"
"What?" I say. Y/n stands off to the side, looking sad, but she nods at Rose like she understands
"What?!" My confusion is growing steadily


yes for some strange reason I decided to keep you guys in the story. You better be a good companion for the Doctor otherwise imma kill you all😈. JOKING. still, I'm actually so confused as to how I get rid of Rose without having the Doctor still dwelling on her, but then not make him hate her... ugh

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