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Roses POV•••

I straightened up at the doorway when the Doctor called my name
"Ye- What." I asked, remembering that I needed him to hate me now
"Can you, please, go to the main controls. It's got all the switches for all the lights. Right now only five of them are on" I can feel y/n beside me now, and she looks about as confused as I am. "So, what you have to do is get there and turn them all on. Then, get back to the room we arrived in with the TARDIS." I nod, sullen that I get such a crappy job, and start to walk in the direction the Doctor needed me to. "Oh and Rose?" He stared at me seriously over his glasses "Don't touch the shadows"

As I sulk off to the control centre I hear the Doctor filling y/n in on the plan, what he has to do, what he needs her to do, how she can help, blah blah blah. She's rapt with attention, eyebrows furrowed with concentration and still looks amazing, hanging onto every word that he says.

Like I did once

But now I can't. Now, because I came back to find her with the Doctor, my Doctor, now I have to be the one that ruins my relationship with him. Not her. Never her. Never his precious y/n.

I round the corner into the control room, and flick all the switches to on. I'm startled by the sudden light and find my eyes watering at the brightness.
Or the unfairness.


Your POV***

After Rose leaves the Doctor turns to you
" Y/n, we've got to boost the signal from all of the lights. Because the plan is, basically, to get rid of all the shadows, by lighting up the whole floor. But, the lights at this dull gleam will only create more shadows, even with them all on because of so many light sources, so we need to up the intensity so that light is in every corner and there are no more shadows."
"Okay..." you murmur, "Im following. So how do we do it?"
He flips out the sonic screwdriver, smiling, and it starts to buzz
"With this."

The both of you run down the corridors, stopping only to zap each light and make it more intense, now that Rose had turned them all on.
You had seen the look on Roses face as she walked away, and, to be honest, you didn't think she was pretending to be moody and hate you now. The way she glared at the Doctor after getting that job said it all. They were like an apple. Fresh, glowing, and beautiful for a long time, and then it starts to shrivel, until it's this disgusting, smelly, brown thing, and you can't tell what it started out as. That was the Doctor and Rose.
You raced ahead of the Doctor, running back to the room you two and Rose arrived in. You smiled teasingly as you passed him, and laughed when you had pulled ahead. But then you felt him grab your hand, and when you turned he was looking seriously at you...
And then he sprinted off.
Running after him, you grabbed the tail of his trench coat that was flying out behind him, and he tripped whilst you fell and you both collapsed in a fit of giggles.

"Hi. I'm here too, in case you forgot" Rose said, standing over you and the Doctor
"Yeah, come on y/n, get serious" he said teasingly as he helped you to your feet
"That's a bit rich, coming from you?" You questioned
"Hypocrite till the end" he grinned his boyish smile at you
"You two done? Do you want some time alone?" Rose interuppted
"Jeez Rose!" The Doctor turned on her, not yelling, but not calm either "What's gotten into you?"
"What, that I come back to find you flirting with my replacement and shunning me to the side? Gosh, I don't know"
"She's not your replacement."
"She certainly seems to be! Bubbly, silly, cheerful girl? Hmmm, now who does that remind me of?"
"How dare you? What happened to Rose? My Rose?" You placed a hand on the Doctors arm to calm him
"Could you two stop? I'm not sure if you've forgotten, but we're stranded here with no way to get out, we need to be thinking?"
"Yeah ok" the Doctor said, and you two turned to go find a way out
"I'm not done with you, missy" Rose growled. Both you and the Doctor spun to face her, though behind your backs, he grabbed your hand "You heard what we were. You must've. The times we've had. In orbit around a black hole, 18th century France with a 51st century spaceship, Cybermen TWICE! We've done it all. We had it all"
"Rose the key word was had. You had the Doctor, now you have the DoctorDonna! Why do you want him back?"
"Why you little-" Rose stood there, shaking with rage, when finally she screamed and ran at you, too fast for you or the Doctor to react, and threw you into the last patch of shadow in the room

Then everything went black.




I'm a nice person🙃

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