We. Have. To. Go!

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•••2 weeks later•••
"Doctor?" You scream, feet thundering down the path "Why are we always running?" It's true. You've never run so much before in your life since being with the Doctor
"I dunno! Gotta be fit to travel with me though!" He yells back, grinning at you whilst glancing over your shoulder at the creatures behind you both. "Left!"
You make a sharp left and see the TARDIS at the end of the path. Adrenaline bursts through your veins as you accelerate towards the blue box. As the Doctor jumps inside, you slam the door shut against the oncoming army and brace yourself against it. You feel heavy blows on the wood behind you and feel yourself being pushed ever so slightly back inside.
"Doctor?!" You say to him "Now may be a good time to leave!" He continues jumping around casually, putting his coat down on a bough of the TARDIS, flicking all kinds of flashing lights, fixing his hair, his dark brown spiky hair, that he runs his hand through when he's trying to figure something out and..


"Well then let's go!" He grins at you with his head slightly cocked to one side. "Where do you wanna go?"
"Ah! Yes! Yarik it is then!"


Your sneakers inch forward a little more, squeaking on the floor as you keep being pushed from outside
"DOCTOR!!!" You yell at him, trying to look like you were angry at the crazy boyish man in front of you
"Allonsy, my friend!" He booms, and you fall to the floor with the impact of traveling through space at such speed.


You open the door to a bunch of strange people, but that's not what catches your eye as you gaze at a gleaming city, skyscrapers made from polished marble and beautifully gleaming metals. Cars so streamline, unlike any others you've ever seen, whiz past you without leaving a trace. Down the path there are shops and stores of all kind, cafès, malls, the lot. You slowly step out onto the street of the huge metropolis, with the Doctor coming up behind you. He lets you stare around and drink it all in before breaking you from your trance.
"This y/n, is Yarik." He smiles familiarly at the broad space around him " It's one of the most beautiful cities in the entire universe, in my books." The Doctor looks back to you, trying to see if you'll say anything, but when you stay mute he continues " Its lasted for years and years and years by now. I came here on my second regeneration, about seven hundred and fifty years ago." He glances back at your face, eyes silently begging to say something y/n. Help him out here
"It's.. breathtaking..." you finally say, in awe of the amazing place you are in
"It is, isn't it? Come on, lots to see, lots to do!" He laces his fingers with yours, making you snap back to reality, and starts leading you down the street, further and further in to the beautiful place you wish you could call home.

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