Two hearts

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"Wha..?"You slowly stand up, clinging to the rails, in the darkness the 'TARDIS' has left you in "Doctor?" You call, squinting into the blackness in front, behind and all around you,
"Y/n! Oh thank god. Hold on a tick"
You hear a buzz and then a candle comes on form somewhere to your left, illuminating the Doctors worried face.
"Doctor? What's going on?"
"I don't know y/n. This.. this has never happened before. Except... no" he says, throwing himself backwards away from the controls. "nawww, it can't be them." He pulls a lever that brings down yet ANOTHER screen." Their planet blew up! They can't be here, their species was wiped out!" He keeps running around the TARDIS, flicking things, pulling things, pushing things, doing everything he can to get you guys going.
"Doctor, who are they" you ask, still so confused as for what's going on.
"They're the Spokgon. They have the head of a wolf, the body of a snake and the brain of a human." He runs his hand through his tousled chocolate brown hair "They're DANGEROUS, dangerous creatures, that when they see something flying above their planet they immediately try to capture it, oh the bastards, ok they're going to be outside, and we have to come out and surrender. After that...I'll figure out something else. You got that y/n?"
"What about the... um the robot things... help me out here Doctor, what were they..." he just looks at you, puzzled for a bit and then says
"Oh! You mean the Daleks? Ah yes, well, can't do anything about them until we get off this planet! Allonsy!"
He swings the door wide open 

And they shoot him

"Doctor!" You run to kneel at his side. "Doctor no..."
"It's ok, y/n, just ... hit me above the point where I've been shot." He says, closing his eyes
"What?! Doctor are you mad?" You stroke his hair out of his eyes while he rests his head in your lap, worried for his sanity
"Yes I am. Now do it!"
You look apprehensively at him one last time and then punch him over the heart.
He yells for a second and then stands up, right as rain.
"What the hell?!" You look at the man, who should be dead, standing beside you, all bubbly and grinning the cheeky smile he seems to like.
"Two hearts, did I forget to mention?"
You punch him lightly on the arm. He smiles and tilts his head to the side and then remembers "Ah yes, The Spokgon. Hands up."
His hands fly upwards into a non-threatening position, and you follow suit.
"Who are you intruders?" The one that seems to be the commander asks "And what is your ship?"
"Ah yes, I'm the Doctor and this is my friend y/n. We come in peace in our TARDIS. If you let us go we won't have to harm you." The Doctor says, politely, but with a clear threat in his voice.
"Let you GO? NEVER!!" The commander and his platoon start charging
"Run!!" The Doctor yells at you. In all of this, you two had walked pretty far away from the TARDIS. You spin on your heel and sprint for the blue box, and you two nearly make it inside unharmed, but after the Doctor gets inside you stand at the door with some kind of weapon the Doctor gave you. You point the thing at them, and it disables their weapons! Amazing! You keep pointing until there is no Spokgon left with a working gun.
"Y/n! She's ready let's go!" The Doctor calls from inside. You lower the deactivator thing and turn to go when you feel teeth dig into your arm that's pulling the door closed
"AAAAAAH!" You scream, and fall to the ground in immense pain
"Y/N!!! You bloody...!" He yells at the Spokgon whilst closing the door. The TARDIS starts up on its own, and the last thing you remember before passing out is the Doctor lifting you up and carrying you somewhere

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