He's gone...

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You hold on to the control board for dear life as you whiz through time and space and all sorts of things. The Doctor is by your side, having the time of his life, one foot propped up on the controls and both hands on levers. He looks across at you, practically hugging the TARDIS, and starts to let out the heartiest laugh you've heard in a long time.
"It's not funny!" You scream over the thundering of blood in your ears.
"Oh yes it is!" He laughs back, grinning cheekily. You shake your head. Boys, any kind, always laughing at you. Typical.

You land with a big THUD and immediately make for the door.
"Hold on, hold on!" The Doctor says. "Always gotta take a look, otherwise you could fall into a black hole really." He opens the door just a smidge, and you see a tree trunk directly in the way of the door over his shoulder. "Ah." He says, turning back to you and the controls. "Dangerous planet, this one." He restarts the TARDIS "Met them before, with an old companion. She nearly died. Probably best you don't nearly die as well." With this, the TARDIS stops and he walks back to the door. This time when he opens it, you see the exact same tree just to your left, and roll your eyes. "Brilliant! Y/n I give you..." but you don't hear the rest, you've already walked past him into the twilight lake. It's the clearest water you've ever seen, with little luminescent fish and plant life at your feet. The stars twinkle above you, a hundred times brighter then you've ever seen on Earth. The pool stretches longer then the eye can see in front of you, with trees lining the bank beside.
"Doctor.. it's beautiful" you say breathlessly, still taking it all in. He shoves his hands in his pockets and strolls up beside you
"You like it?" He murmurs quietly.
"Like it? Doctor I love it! Thank you..." you say, beaming at him, taking your eyes off the pool for the first time since he opened the door.

After a while, you notice the Doctor isn't beside you anymore. You think he's gone inside the TARDIS, but who cares. This place is beautiful. You could sit and stare at it forever.
"Y/n? We need to go." You hear him say from behind you.
You don't move
"Y/n..." he whines, keen to show you the universe, while you just want to sit at the edge of some pool for the rest of your life.
"Y/n! Come onnnn"
"Fine..." you groan and turn...

But there's no one there.

"Doctor?" Your heart jumps into your mouth going a million miles an hour. Where's he gone? Where's the TARDIS? What... what was that noise? There's something rustling in the bushes behind you. Slowly, slowly, you pivot to face it and
"RAaAHh!" The Doctor yells, jumping out of his hiding spot at you and giving you about twelve heart attacks along the way.
"Doctor!" Now it's your turn to whine. "You scared me sh*tless!" He does the cheeky grin at you
"Serves you right slow coach! Let's go!" He
bounds into the TARDIS with you right behind him, after one last glance over your shoulder.
"Come on y/n! Allonsy!" He giggles like a kid, and then pulls the lever.

And that's when everything went dark

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