The War of Revolution

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Dear Mr Jefferson,

The revolution is fascinating, is it not? The way a country as large as The Americas is both united and divided by a love for their country! It is beautiful, even if the war itself is not.

There is a ball - a dance - for revolutionaries this winter, supposedly to celebrate the lives of the dead and the life still in the living, although I must confess this confuses me:

Why celebrate the slaughter of innocents?

People are dying for no other reason than speaking Washington's name too close to a redcoat, or being simply in the wrong place at the wrong time as the British troops invade villages, towns, and cities.

The war is coming closer to home, the fighting is nearing Albany even as I write to you. My Father is a loyalist soldier, famous for planning strategies. Soon my family and I will be forced to move somewhere further away, or be captured, due to my father's status.

That is revolution Monsieur.

This is what happens when the people you step on rise up.

I have the honour to be,

A. Schuyler

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