part 17

413 19 1

* Ziva's pov *

I got up and walked to the phone. I knew I had to call Eli one way or another but since he left me in Solmina I haven't spoken to him.  I picked up the phone and called Eli.
*The conversation*

E: Shalom

Z: Shalom Eli

E: What's going on Ziva and why did I get a letter with some very disturbing pictures of you in it.

Z: Abba I can explain but I would really like it if you sent me those pictures then destroy them I don't think either of us would like tgem being seen.

E: Fine I will email them to you then burn them.

Z: Thank you abba Shalom

E: Shalom
*end of conversation*

I put the phone down and told Tony he was going to email me them.  He thought we should go get McGees laptop because we don't have one with us. We walked to McGees room and knocked on the door. He answered straight away. "Hey McGee can we borrow your laptop for a minute I need to check my emails. "

"Yeh sure its on the table" He said ushering us into the room and directing us to the table. "What's this about anyway?" McGee asked as I logged onto my email. 

"You know that person who died in Ziva's gym well the murederer is after me and Ziva." Tony said as I found the photos. "McGee can you just look away these pictures are very very disturbing and very embarrassing for me"

"Ok but why doesn't Tony have to" He asked tuning around.

"Well McGee me and Tony are together and well he's going to see them eventually anyway" I said with a little sarcasm in my voice.

"Oh ok" McGee said with a little puch in the air. "What was that for McGoo?" Tony asked.

" I have a bet with Abby about you two and I've won" I shock my head and opened the pictures. I gasped and turned away into Tonys chest and started crying. Why won't this torture end? and when will it end? I cried harder as Tony I think began looking through the photos and found one he thought was very shocking. "Ziva it's not that bad just look at this picture" I had to believe him so I turned around and saw pictures of me and Tony in the bathroom kissing, Schmiel's house naked together and paris the other day and on our first undercover mission together. I couldn't look any more and turned away back into Tonys chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my hair this always calmed me down. "McGee can you leave us and get Gibbs and Abby" I asked McGee who now was walking out of the room towards Gibbs room. I finally let go of Tony and kissed him before Gibbs came.  "Thank you for this" I said kissing him again and wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"What are you thanking me for" he asked a little confused.

"Just being you. I love you"

"I love you too zi " He said then kissed me making me feel comforted and now abit more relaxed. Gibbs walked in and we separated and Tony showed him the less disturbing photos and none of us because we weren't ready to tell him just yet. "Well who the fuck did that to you Ziva?" He said nearly shouting at me. "Ray" I said so quiet only Tony could just about hear as his arms were wrapped around me trying to stop me looking at the pictures. "Ziva who did this to you?" He said a little quieter when he saw my reaction. "McGee please leave and can you get Schmiel?" I asked trying to sound alittle louder "Sure " McGee said leaving the room again.  I looked up at Tony and he nodded. "Gibbs I need you to keep an open mind please" I asked .

"Anything Ziva" He replied.

"Well um..  I.. um.... the person... trying to.... um... kill... me and um... Tony.... Is well.... The killer for Petty officer Hoffman..... I keep getting notes with death threats of ... of... of" I began to cry again into Tonys chest and he began to stroke my back to comfort me. Gibbs didn't say anything but I pulled away and gave Tony the look to tell him to tell Gibbs. "Boss can we talk in the bathroom for a minute" Tony asked.

"Sure" Gibbs replied.  it was quiet then I heard Gibbs shout "RAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS RAY! I WAS SO CLOSE TO KILLING HIM AND NOW YOU TELL ME!" Tony went quiet and so did Gibbs. Soon they came out the bathroom and I was sobbing into my hands. They came over and Tony wrapped his arms around me.  Gibbs didn't seem to mind. Tony kissed my hair and stroked my back calming me down. Gibbs came over and hugged me. Life was good again. 

There was a knock at the door so Gibbs got it and I went back into Tonys welcoming arms. Schmiel came in and Tony let me go to him with a little reluctance.  "Schmiel I need to see the letter you were given" I asked very sternly.  He reached into his pocket and pulled an envelope out.

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