Chapter 11-Screwed Up

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Chapter 11-

Delilah’s POV

Elizabeth was driving me to her flat from the airport when my mobile rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it said ‘Harry’. I ignored it and let it ring.

“Who’s that?” She wondered.

“No one important.” I replied.

“Okay, now tell me what happened in New York! OHMIGOSH, ARE YOU PREGNANT? WAS IT HARRY? I KNEW IT!!”

“Bloody hell, NO I’M NOT PREGNANT LIZ!” I sighed, “You really want to know?”


“Alright, well when I had my concert in NYC, the boys came and recognized me. It took a while for me to remember them, but I did. Harry remembered that he made me drop my guitar when I was packing for New York, and apologized. Personally, I didn’t really care, it was the pick that really mattered. Then, when I went to a One Direction concert with Julianne, my flat mate, they sang one of my original songs, and I thought they were stealing my song. When I saw it was them, I ran to a gazebo, which was the spot where I always went when I was sad. Julianne remembered that, and told the boys. Harry came, and apologized about not telling me they were One Direction, but I didn’t forgive him, and ran deeper. Zayn found me, and we talked. He brought me clothes, food, and sometimes kept me company. He was there when I needed a friend the most. He was such a good friend. Then, one day, Harry bought a guitar for me, and played Hey There Delilah on it for me, and gave me it as an ‘I’m sorry’ present. When I finally accepted it, he asked to take me on a date. It was really nice, and we were going to the park the next day. Then I overheard a conversation that Niall and Harry had. All he wanted was to get me in bed and then get rid of me.” By then, tears were streaming out of my eyes. Elizabeth felt sympathetic, and when we reached her flat, she comforted me with sappy romance movies and ice cream.

“Elizabeth?” I said, looking up from my spot on the couch armrest.

“Yes, Delilah?”

“Thanks for being a great friend.” I murmured before falling asleep.


Harry’s POV

I called Delilah about a hundred times, still hearing the same thing. “Hey, it’s Delilah! Sorry for not answering, it’s probably that I’m not here, or the fact that I’m ignoring you. Have a GREAT day!”

I’d heard it for about the millionth time when I saw a piece of paper lying in the garbage can with “HARRY” on it. I picked it up, and unfolded it.

Dear Harry,

I like you. No, scratch that, I really like you. I just never had the courage to tell you. I thought maybe by writing, I would express my feelings more, but it doesn’t seem to be working so well. From the moment I met you, I’ve always thought you were the special one of all the boys, not that that changes my affection towards them. They’ve all been such a big influence in my life, and I hope that doesn’t change. I don’t know how to write a letter like this, but I don’t want it to turn into one of those cheesy love letters. I just really like you.



She really likes me. I thought. But I don’t know what I did that was so terrible! It was an honest mistake, I forgot to press send. It’s not like I took advantage of her. That wasn’t really a ‘run away’ situation. My thoughts were interrupted by a ring from someone. ‘Delilah’ it read. I took a deep breath and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Harry? Listen closely, and don’t speak. I’m Delilah’s friend, Elizabeth. You may not have remembered, but I half-met you guys at a concert a couple years ago. Delilah didn’t know you were One Direction, but I did.” I nodded at the memory, but soon realized she couldn’t see me, so I continued listening.

“She called me yesterday, asking if I could take her in for a couple days, weeks, or months. I asked why, she avoided the question. Soon enough, she was on a plane to England, and I was picking her up. She told me everything. You’re such a player! How could you do this to her? Delilah really liked you, Harry. You screwed up, and you have to do something to fix it.” Elizabeth said firmly.

“I really don’t know what I did, Elizabeth. You haven’t heard my side of the story.” I replied, trying to stay calm.

“Tell it. Then maybe I’ll help you come up with a way to get Delilah back.”

“Alright, well I was getting ready to go to the park with Delilah, and Paul called, saying we had a last minute concert, and had a sound check soon. I texted Delilah about it, but accidentally forgot to press ‘send’, since I was in such a rush. I assumed she would understand, since she got the message, or at least I thought she got the message.”

“Lord, you’re such an idiot, Harry.” Elizabeth muttered under her breath.

“Hmm?” I asked, not hearing clearly.

“Oh, nothing, continue your story, genius.”

“Okay, well then next thing I know, I see all the boys tear-stained, and a note in their hand. It was from Delilah, saying these wonderful things about the boys, and not so wonderful things about me. She said she was leaving, not mentioning where. I tried calling her, but she wouldn’t answer me.”

“That’s who was calling her!” Elizabeth said suddenly.

“Well, I must have jammed up her mobile, because I called her several times, her not answering each time.” I retorted.

“Geez, only trying to help here. Now do you want me to help you or what?” Elizabeth asked, getting impatient.

“Can you first tell me what happened with Delilah?” I asked, still wondering why she thought I was a player.

“She overheard a curly haired person talking to a blondie. Blondie asked when Curly would break up with ‘her’, and Curly said ‘After I get in bed with her’, and Delilah had enough.” Elizabeth rattled off.

“Wow...” I breathed. I felt so terrible for her, that I wanted to find out who the Curly haired guy was, and punch him square in the face.

“Now, do you want me to help you?” Elizabeth sighed.

“Please?” I asked, hoping she would help me get Delilah back. What she heard was awful, and I really wanted to make it up to her.

“Okay, okay. I’ll help you, but there’s one thing you’ll have to do yourself.”

“Okay, and what is that?”

“You have to sing her a song.”


Sorry the ending’s bad :/ I had a bit of writer’s block coming up with what Harry had to do to make Delilah forgive him, he already sang Hey There Delilah and gave her the guitar.

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