Chapter 17-New Friends

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Chapter 17-

Delilah’s POV

It was my third week in university, and I had already made some friends. Max and I had regained our relationship together as really close friends; nothing more, nothing less. My other friends weren’t the best of friends, but we were also fantastic mates that mucked around and laughed. There was Chloe, who was the shy type. She loved reading books, and revising, which was the opposite of Gloria, who was the loudest, most outgoing person ever! Everyone had a loud, fun person in their group, and Gloria was it! Finally, there was Jessica, the one that you could go when in need. Her personality was just bubbly, and always happy. If she was mad, you know that she was upset. Some of the boys that we hung out with as well were Jake and Harry. Not Harry Styles, a different one. He was the same kind of person; funny, caring and attractive. He had brown hair as well, but warm brown eyes, like Max’s. Whenever I looked at him, it ripped out a piece of my heart each time, to think of Harry, but I tried to be friendly around him, and not think of Harry. We actually became quite good friends.

I had just gotten a text from Harry; not Styles; his last name was actually Walker.

From: Harry

Hey, do you want to meet up with everyone? We’re planning to go to the park to hang out.

To: Harry

Sure what time?

From: Harry

Now is as good as ever; you coming?

To: Harry

Yup, let me just pack my books; revising is especially boring this week :p coming now! Xx

As I walked out the door, mobile in hand, I bumped into Max.

“Sorry! I didn’t know you were coming; I was just coming to get you!” Max apologized.

“It’s fine, Max, it was my fault I didn’t look to see if anyone was there before I opened the door.” I said.

“Oh, well, sorry anyways.” Max apologized again.

“It’s fine, and I should be the one to apologize.” I replied.

“No, I-” Max started, but I cut him off my shoving my hand over his mouth.

“Just shut up and let’s go to the park!” I said, smiling and removing my hand off.

Max laughed, and we walked to the park.


When we got to the park, Gloria, Jessica and Chloe were already there, but Harry and Jake were nowhere in sight.

“Hey, where are the boys?” I asked, looking around.

“Why? Is it because of...Harry?” Gloria asked whilst wiggling her eyebrows at me and grinning like a doof.

“N-No...” I said, my cheeks turning a deep shade of red. Max glared at me, and when I looked at him, his expression turned into a look like he didn’t hear what Gloria said, or saw me blushing.

“Hey, where’d you get that charm bracelet?” Chloe asked, gesturing to the bracelet on my wrist. I smiled. Chloe was an observant girl, and she noticed things that people didn’t usually see. I always hid my bracelet in my sleeves, but since it was a little hotter outside, I had worn a tee shirt, and there was nowhere to hide the bracelet.

“Well, it was a while ago; when I was about 10 or 11, in year 5 I think. I was at a fair, with one of my best friends in school. I don’t remember the name; it was such a long time ago, and I remembered it faintly.

He was the one person I was crushing on; but not my first love. He was about the sweetest person to the moon and back. Finally, I got the courage to ask him to go to the fair with me.

When we went, it was pretty awkward. We didn’t really talk, mostly because I was nervous. That was my first date-type thing, and whenever he tried to talk to me, I answered with one or two word answers. Finally, after about half 13, I got a little friendlier, and came out of my shell. We talked about sports, school, and tons of other things. We actually had a lot in common, like we both liked playing football, cracking jokes, and we loved having fun.

We had such a fun time at the fair; eating candyfloss, playing games, winning prizes (he had won me a large teddy bear the size of me), and much more!

As the years passed, we got closer and closer. By the time we were in secondary school, we were closer than ever! But neither of us had the courage to ask one another to be each other’s girlfriend/boyfriend. Sadly, he got accepted into an independent school, and we never saw each other again. But before he left, he came to my house. I still remember each and every detail.

He came to my house, holding his bag that contained all his clothes. It was big and bulgy, but he brought it in my house anyways. I was crying in my room, and when he came in, I quickly wiped my tears away. I needed to stay strong. I needed to stay strong for him.

‘Hey, Delilah.’


‘I know things are really hard, because we’re such good friends, but we can get through tough times like this, right?’

Because we’re such good friends. Good friends. That’s all we were, and that’s all we would be.

Both he and I knew that we would possibly never see each other again, but there was still a trickle of hope left in us.

‘Yes, yes we can.’

He reached into his burly bag and got out a small box, wrapped in ribbon that was tied in a bow. I gasped, as he handed it to me.

‘Y-you really didn’t have to do-’

‘Just open it. Think of it as a goodbye present; a ‘remember me forever’ present.’

I opened it, and saw a chain. I looked up at him, confused.

‘It’s just a chain. A plain old chain.’

‘I know, and these are for you.’

He took his hand from behind his back, revealing another box. I opened it so see four charms; one of a teddy bear in memory of the bear he won me, a cone of candyfloss, which we had ate at the fair years back, a D for my name, Delilah, and finally, an H for his name. Sadly, I forgot his name, so all I have of him is an H.

I know I don’t remember his name, but one day, I know he’ll come back, and I’ll remember him. Even if his name isn’t in my mind, he’s in my heart.”

I finished the story, and Gloria, Jessica, Chloe were tearing. Chloe sniffed, and Max was smiling a small smile. As I told the story, Jake and Harry got here, so they heard a part of it.

“Wow...Delilah. I admire you even more now!” Harry said, smiling at me.

“W-why? It should be the other way around.” I said, blushing a little.

“Because after all these years, you still think he’s going to come back! There are chances you may never see each other again, like you said, but you still have hope. And I respect that.” Harry explained, grinning widely at me.

“Thanks, Harry.” I said, smiling as well.

“Now let’s PARTAYYYYYYY!” Gloria screamed, running to the playground like a little kid.

“Oh, that child.” Jake said, and we all burst into laughter. Once Gloria noticed we were laughing, not following her to the playground, so she ran back  to us.

“Hey, how come no one’s coming? And WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING WITHOUT ME?” She screamed, faking hurt.

“Oh, nothing.” We all said, and ran to the playground without a single word.

I was happy with my new friends.

Who needs Harry Styles anyways?

Oh wait, me.

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