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ddlovato : I still can't believe these two are mine

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ddlovato : I still can't believe these two are mine. It hasn't been an easy adjustment and healing from the emergency c-section is a lot harder than I thought it would be but I feel so blessed to have my two boys by my side nickjonas 💙

Reaching over Demi smiles as she runs her hand down Tobias' back as the little boy sleeps peacefully on Nick's chest.

'Do you need your next dose of painkillers?' Nick mumbles sleepily causing her to smile.

'It's okay; I'll get them you go back to sleep.' She says.

'You heard what the doctor said Dems, if you want to get rid of this infection and heal quickly then you need to rest; I'll get your painkillers if you just take Toby for a bit.' He replies causing her to smile slightly.

'Come here, bubba.' She says as he passes the baby to her. Cradling the little boy against her chest she watches as Nick leaves the room.

'Mommy loves you so much, little one. You were the best surprise I could've ever received.' She almost whispers as she runs her finger down his cheek. Tears fill her eyes as she stares down at his little face.

'Hey, what's these tears for? Are you in a lot of pain?' Nick asks making his way back into the room carrying a bottle of water and her painkillers.

'No, I'm just happy. I didn't think I could have kids and I didn't think I'd ever get you.' She admits staring down at Tobias.

'I can't believe we waited so long when we both felt the same way.' He says sitting on the edge of the bed and moving some hair out of her face.

'I think we were both just too scared that the other wouldn't feel the same way.' She replies.

'Mmm... Think of all the time we could've spent together.' He says.

'We've still got our whole lives ahead of us, Nick.' She replies smiling. He uses his thumb to wipe the tears from her cheeks before pressing his lips against her forehead.

'I love you.' He says softly.

'I love you more.' She replies.


'What would you like for dinner?' Nick asks glancing at Demi.

'Can we just order something in? I'm too comfy to move.' She says smiling as her head rests on his chest.

'Of course we can. What do you fancy; pizza, Chinese?' He asks.

'Pizza sounds good.' She replies.

'Okay.' He says. He picks up his phone and begins to dial the number for the pizza place they like.

'Why do you have six missed calls from your mom?' Demi asks.

'Because she's been phoning and I've not been answering.' He replies shrugging his shoulders.

'Why not? She's your mom, Nick? You can't just ignore her.' She says.

'She was horrible to you.' He replies.

'And that isn't reason for you to stop talking to her. She's your mom and I'd never forgive myself if something happened and you weren't talking to her because of me.' She says.

'I'll phone her later.' He replies.

'You'll phone her once you've ordered the pizza.' She says causing him to sigh.

'Fine.' He replies.


'Phone your mom.' Demi says as Nick comes off the phone after ordering the pizza. Taking a deep breath he dials the number and holds the phone to his ear.


'Hi, mom.'

'Why haven't you been answering the phone? Is everything okay?'

'Everything is fine.'

'I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what I said the other day. I in no way meant to offend Demi.'

'What did you think was going to happen, mom? You were downright rude and disrespectful.'

'I know and I'm sorry.'

'It's not me you have to apologise to, is it?'

'I'll apologise to Demi when we're able to come visit again.'

'Well she's got an infection so we're not having any visitors for a few days.'

'That's fine, I'll wait.'


'Do you think we'll have more babies?' Demi asks as she grabs a slice of pizza from the box balancing on Nick's stomach.

'I'd like to think so, do you?' Nick says and Demi nods her head.

'Not any time soon obviously but yeah I'd like to give Toby a little brother or sister.' She replies causing him to smile.

'One day.' He says and she nods her head.

'One day.' She replies.

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