Player part 12
Bsknya jeremy kasi sya cuti 3 ari. Nnt dia cover. Sya xbalik rumah tp sya pg ruma grace. Sya xtaw apa maw explain sma parents sya psl muka sya. Grace bawa sya tggl d ruma sewa nelson sbb dia pun xtaw apa maw bgtaw klu kakak dia tnya. Smpi ja ruma tu sya rasa familiar. Nelson bawa sya masuk bru sya igt. Ini ruma yg dorang bawa sya lepas sya black out dr hotel tu rupanya. Nelson kasi kenal lg housemate dia. Syafiq sama donald. Dorang plak yg tahan max ari tu. Dorang maw shake hand sya x respond. Nelson bawa masuk pg bilik dia baru dia maw kluar kasi tggl sya sma grace d dlm bilik. Tp grace pggl dia.
G: B. I want you to tell ren about max and nurul. If you don't, i will. Please. Memang max you best friend but ren is my best friend. And she deserves to know the truth.
Nelson tunduk ja. Napa tiba2 plak dorang sebut nama nurul ni.
G: kalau B namaw bgtaw kta break la. Sya namaw couple dgn coward…
R: grace. Jgn bgtu. Jgn sbb sya ko dgn nelson break. I'm not worth it.Sunyi kami tiga dalam bilik. Tiba2 nelson mengeluh. Fine dia bilang. Terus dia buka cerita. Grace sapu2 blkg sya sbb sya nangis ja tem nelson crta tu. All this while, dorang kasi rahsia sya perkara ni. Kalau sya tau dr awal mmg sya xkan involved dgn max…
N: Nurul was our senior. She was 19 and max was 14 when they declare as a couple. At that time max is just a normal teenagers. Nurul dia punya first love, first gf. And all the firsts that you can ever think of.
Mcm sya dgn max la. He was my first in everything.
N: since Nurul lbh tua, so mmg dia yg selalu lead dlm relationship diorang. Dia selalu mrh2 max. Selalu larang2 max untuk buat apa yg dia xsuka. Tp max mmg syg dia. Max even introduced nurul dgn family dia. Family max pun suka nurul sbb dia slalu tlg max study. Taw la max tu. Gila sukan seja.
Yes.. Mmg max kaki sports pun..
N: mula2 their relationship mmg ok. They were happy. Smpi la 1 ari tu nurul kedapatan curang dgn max. Max dtg pg rumanya pastu dia nmpk nurul tgh naked, kissing dgn llki lain. Max kecewa betul. Mrh betul dia so dia mnta break dgn nurul. Tp nurul pujuk dia. Pastu dorang couple blk.
Hey.. I know this story. Wait2.. I don't think I like where this will leads me. Tp sya dgr jga.
N:and it goes on and on. Cycle dia bgtu jga.. Blk2 nurul kedapatan tp max still sma2 dia. Max blang nurul ja blh bg apa dia perlu. Nurul pun ckp benda yg sma konon sma max. At first sya xtaw apa bnda tu. But one day masa sya pg swimming dgn max tem tukar baju sya nmpk lebam2 bdn dia. Sya igt dia bgaduh. As a friend sya mrh la, sya maw jga pg agak sapa kasi lebam dia. Tp max bilang dia ndk gaduh sma sapa2. Masa swimming nurul join kami. Grace was there too. Masa tukar baju after swimming kmi blk masing2. Max with nurul, me with grace.
G: when we tukar baju, i saw bdn nurul lebam2. I ask why she just senyum2 babe. Dia bilang ini bond dia sma max. Sya xfaham masa tu. Tp sya gtaw nelson. So nelson tnya max.
Dua2 lebam? Hmm.. Sya pun slalu baling2 max kan..
N: mula2 max namaw bgtau. Tp sya paksa2 last2 dia bgtaw jga. nurul suka bgtu. He asked max to beat her everytime they're having sex. And he will beat max too. The worst part was, if she think max didn't beat her hard enough she will cheat again. And everytime she cheated, she will tell max. All the details about her and the other man she's seeing. So max will get mad and beat her harder.
Oh my god! No no no..tmbh karau suda sya.
N:but things got out of hand. One day max beat nurul smpi pengsan. He got scared so he called me. I got there and ngam2 nurul punya abg blk. Nurul punya parents tggl kl sbb daddy dia kna transfer kja sna. But since dia pun maw abis skola suda, abg dia pun kja sni suda, so dorang dua la tggl sma2. We have no choice. Tpksa bgtaw abg dia. Nasib nurul ok jga. Abis max kna belasah olh abg si nurul mlm tu.

Roman d'amourMy very first story. Pardon the cliché and childish way of writing.