♡They get Jealous♡

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Requested by: (No one)


I was really bored after I made the 3rd Scenario so, why not make a new one? Requested by myself of course!



You got invited to your childhood friends party since he just moved to a new neighborhood, you agreed and asked your boyfriend if he wanted to join you, at first he didn't like to go but, once he saw that your 'guy' friend asked you out, he completely changes his mind.



~> He would act cool and calm during the whole party, but in the inside he's a little jealous (or should I say completely jealous).

~> Everytime your boy childhood friends talks to you or even got closer to you, he would sneak up behind you then wrap his arms around your waist as a sign that you're taken by him.

~> After the party he would immediately take you home, not even letting you say goodbye to your friends.

~> He'll drag you straight to the bedroom without saying a word, pin you down the bed and before kissing you passionately and lustfully.

~> While you of course wondered why he acted the whole day like that. After a few minutes he stopped and hugged you tightly.

~> Once you realize why he's acting like that you decided to teas him about it, and swear you could see him blush bright red.

~> "F-Fine.. Y-You got me.. I was a l-little jealous earlier.. But I just wanted them to know that you're mine! Only mine~ Got it?~"


~> He would act the same as usual, but you never knew how jealous he is everytime you were surrounded by your male friends.

~> Once he had enough, he would try his best to keep them distracted, while he sneak you out of the party.

~> Well of course you decided to wonder why he would act like that, he drove you home as soon as possible, and then lock your bedroom door, trapping you with him completely inside.

~> He would push you down the bed with his serious or should I say scary-looking face of his, which is kinda new for you.

~> He'll smash his lips against yours and kisses you deeply and lustfully. After a few minutes you realize what was going on, but decided to just keep it to yourself since he might punish again for teasing him.

~> "Remember this Y/N~ You're mine~ And only mine~ Plus, you shouldn't talk to guys like them~ You know what will happen if you do~~"


~> He would be act like his normal calm self, but slightly being over-protective around you.

~> He felt a little jealous when he saw you laughing with your guys friends when he returned to get you a drink, but just decided to keep it all to himself.

~> Right after the party ended, he drove you immediately back at your house (you both live together, okay?), cause he could tell that you were already tired.

~> Once you got back home you didn't even mind to change your clothes, you just removed your shoes and landed on the bed, which you both share.

~> You were about to sleep when you felt arms wrapped tightly around your waist, you could tell that it was your boyfriend, you felt his lips crash on yours for a minute but then he pulled away, you were now curious why he was acting that way so you asked why.

~> He didn't say anything at first cause he wanted you to figure out yourself, once you guessed that he was jealous, he hid his face on top of your head and nodded.

~> "Y-Yeah.. Y-Your right.. S-Sorry if that was so s-sudden.. I-I just couldn't h-handle myself.."


~> Since he didn't know much about parties, you decided not to leave him alone, cause some of your friends might question him a lot.

~> After a few minutes your boyfriend got lost in the crowd since he was getting you a drink. Once he saw you talking to some of your guy friends, he felt his heart ache a little, but decided to ignore it.

~> Right after the party was done, you both went home. You were now a little sleepy since you didn't know that the party will last that long.

~> You felt arms wrap around your waist and saw Kiibo, hugging you from behind. You asked him why at first he didn't say anything but you forced him to spill it.

~> After he told you all, a huge smirk formed your lips, then you tackled him to the bed. He asked why then you explain it all to him.

~> "A-Ah, I see.. Jealousy, huh? Well, I don't want to feel this ever again.. It hurts me.. So, p-please stay away f-from them for a while.."


Thanks for reading!


You enjoy~

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Muffin_Dreamer Out~~

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