Chapter 21: And We All Fall Down

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Okay, i know that this is a sh*t chapter! This is what I could come up with and I know that it's pathetic. I think it's kind of boring, but maybe because my creatively is lacking right now at an all time high. It's not edited, but when I've completed the book, which is one more chapter and then the epilogue, I will get an editor and I'll try to rewrite some parts and what not.

I'm not entirely happy with this chapter, but I wanted to post something up because I've waited long enough to post this. The last two weeks and a half I've been staring at this chapter in my word document, trying to find the right words and the right scenes to write this, lol. 

This is the best that I can do. I think i've been stressed out because I've had back to back exams and it's soooo not easy being a full time student, along with working full time, and trying to add in some fun times with my friends to keep my head sane. 

Lol, I didn't even read through this chapter, I've wrote it and then I'm posting it. School ends in three weeks, so it may be three weeks before I post the LAST TWO chapters of this book. I'm going to read through this whole book and tie up any loose strands that there is and give you guys an ending that is wanted.

To my readers who have been there since the beginning this book started, thank you so much, I see you guys! I don't have enough time to go on all of your profiles and comment on your page, but know that I am truly greatful that I have dedicated readers.

To my new readers who have just discovered this story and read it through, thank you for taking your time as well! You are awesome! Stick it with me for about four more weeks! 

Okay, I'll stop b*tching right now so you can read this.

COMMENT. LOVE. FOLLOW. LIKE. SHOW A GIRL WITH A STRESSFUL LIFE RIGHT NOW SOME LURVE! Did anyone else watch the MTV awards? ;) Zac. Efron. Nuff said.


Chapter 21: And We All Fall Down

                  The moment I said those words, I knew nothing was ever going to be the same. I knew that as soon as I said it, I wanted to take them back. I regretted saying them because Kaius was right. He was always there for me. Put back together the broken pieces slowly, only for them to be shattered beyond repair by people who had violated me. I didn’t want to put my problems and issues upon someone who doesn’t deserve it. I bit back the tears that were threatening to spill over as I saw Kaius clutch his chest and fall onto his knees gasping for air.

From my peripheral vision, I saw that my nurse had dropped her mouth and gasped as well at my sudden statement.  I wasn’t deaf or dumb, as I listened to the people who roamed the hallways with the latest gossip and werewolf details to know that werewolves took these rejections seriously. And I knew that Tate never full out rejected me. But I will have to reject him too. I knew Kaius was hurting and I was too. I was hurting from all of the things that had happened to me. He doesn’t deserve to be with a girl with so much baggage as I do. He can find another girl to be with, to love, to marry. Fate has destined me to a life of miserable unhappiness.

“I’m sorry, Kaius.” I turned my head away from him, a single tear falling down my face. I didn’t want to see him when he gets up and has to walk away from me. I heard the nurse clutch her board to her chest as I heard Kaius stand up from the ground. I held in my breath when I felt his presence looming over me. Hesitantly, his hand went up as if to touch me, went back down to his sides, and finally fighting that urge and pulling me into his chest.

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