Chapter 15

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The boys finish their shoot and come back over to us. "So what should we do" Jonah asks "oh wait guys this is Nicole i didn't introduce her" "yeah cause you're a bad friend" she says I laugh and slap her arm. "Shut up ho" "I have an idea" "what" they say "we could rent bikes and stuff and ride around veince beach. Everyone agrees and I drive us all over there.

Me and Nikki get rollerblades and the boys get bikes because they dont know how to skate. They boys start riding their bikes while me and Nikki are still putting on our rollerblades "ugh assholes" I say. We get up and start to skate to them. I pass them going in between Jack and Jonah and she goes between Zach and Dani. Nikki kinda falls behind and I'm in front of all them, Nikki then starts skating next to me "what the hell" "I'm a proooo get on my levellll" I say going faster "Lola!" she says. I start laughing and forgot we were even with the boys. Me and Nikki stop on the side and the boys come up to us stopping. "damn i didn't know u were that good" Jack says. I slowly start to skate backwards and Nikki tries to do the same but falls. I laugh and go over to her "damn i just fell in front of them" her face is red "did i look stupid" I shake my head at her "bro they don't care" I put my hand out for her and she gets up. The boys go put the bikes up but me and Nikki stay in the rollerblades. Jack is walking next to me and i realize im taller than him for once 'ha im taller than you for once" he laughs and i skate in front of them going backwards cause no one is here its like 7. They all start singing, i swear they do it at the most random times. I enjoy it though so. After goofing around me and nikki give the blades back and we start to walk around again. "Nikki Lola" someone says and we all turn around only to see her ex. So long story short Nikki really liked him and he cheated on her and i was there for her the whole time. "who's that?" Jack whispers "her ex" i go to walk up to him and jack grabs my hands and holds them behind me. "oh my god" I say as he still holds them there. "oh uh hi Andrew" He smiles at her and looks over at me "nice to see you Lola" he smirks at me. Soooo me and him have never gotten along that well, probably because he was the jerk of the school and spread rumors around about me. I roll my eyes at him "so you sleeping with anymore guys?" Jack grabs on the my wrists tighter "what the fuck are u saying" he looks at jack behind me and i know he is trying to get Jack mad, it's just what he does. "You know, like every boy that was at our school" I look over to see Nikki kinda walking away from us. "Why the fuck are you here" "Just saying hi seeing how you are" he looks me up and down "surprised u haven't got an STD yet" "Dude i never slept with anyone but Jack" Everyone's eyes widen "everyone at that school is fucked up and so are you, just because u slept with every slutty girl in that school especially behind Nikki's back, doesn't mean u had to spread rumors about me" "who's jack?" he points behind me. "Yes dumbass" "you could do alot better" Jack lets go of my wrists and I walk over to him and Slap him "Go talk shit somewhere else" He walks away from us and everyone is still shocked about what i said. "wait u guys?" Zach questions. "yes and it wasn't for you to hear" He goes over and high fives jack. Jack just kinda stands there awkwardly. Nikki comes back over "this is why you're my friend" I laugh and she highfives me. Jack pulls me and Nikki to the side "who is that guy" "once again, her ex" "what was the shit he was talking about to you Lola" "he spread rumors about me in school so everyone knew me as the schools ho" "why did u have to say we slept together he's probably gonna say something and it's gonna go around and be some drama around YouTube or something" "Ignore it" Jack walks away leaving me and Nikki together "is he mad?" "yes" I say rolling my eyes. Me and Nikki start walking leaving them behind, Jack gets mad at the smallest things its annoying. They all come running back up to us "where are u going" Corbyn asks "To the car" "and u leave us behind?" Jack asks "Uh looks like it" when im mad I get really smart and it doesn't help the situation at all. "really?" he says giving me an annoyed look "stop getting mad at the smallest things then" "I just don't want drama going around" "there won't be stop overthinking" Me and Jack settle down and I drive them home. Nikki spends the night and we are going to meet up with the boys tomorrow.

Nikki wakes me up and we start to get ready. We head over to the boys shoot and we walk inside. They are already doing stuff so me and Nikki sit in the back for about 10 minutes while jack is up I watch and he looks over me and winks and i laugh. Jack comes over to us. "babe" "yesss" i say smiling "I have to tell you something and dont get mad" "oh wow ok" "sooo this thing we are shooting wellllll" "what" "uh i have to kiss a girl" "what- why couldn't I have just played that part?" "I asked trust me but they said no but just please don't be mad at me" "I'm not don't worry about it I'm gonna be watching you though" he makes a face and goes back to where they were shooting and I laugh. Lowkey wanna cut a bitch but it's all good. Nikki is on her phone so she isn't paying attention. The girl enters the frame and Jack glances over at me. They start to kiss and then they yell cut and the girl still kisses jack as he is trying to pull away. I was mad but I also found it funny. She finally stops and Jack runs over to me. "that was not my fault she-" ok so being the person I am i had to be mean and do a lil prank on him "no dont talk to me" "no lola" I get up and start to walk away. I then turn around and he's standing there shocked "did i get u?" I say laughing. "What the heck!!!" He runs over to me and starts tickling me. "nooo stop!" I say laughing. I run back over to nikki "Nikki helllllllllp" she looks up from her phone. "Ew you couples are gross" "fuck off" i say laughing. "well i gotta go my mom is yelling at my through text" I laugh and say by and hang out at the shoot with Jack for the rest of the day.


uhhh what did I just write

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