Five: You must be psychic

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When I return, the guys become silent and stare at me holding back a laugh. "What?" I knew they had been talking about me. "Nothing?" Justin says innocently. "Whatever," I shake my head not really caring. This time Cody sits his seat up so I could get back to my seat.

Later on in the flight, I began working on the line up for Saturday. New player, Logan Forsythe, would be first, then Corey and Justin followed and I decided on Grandal as clean up. Gutierrez, Pederson, and Puig were next. And I was told Toles and Segedin were decided to finish off the line up. In a week, everyone would have had a shot in a position.

Once we landed in Phoenix, everyone retrieved their luggage and headed to our condos, we'd be staying in for the next month.

Kershaw had a press interview to attend while the rest of the team headed to Camel-back ranch in Glendale to practice. Dave Roberts introduced me to each individual player that I hadn't met yet. There were many, and at the end of spring training we could only take a limited amount of players to L.A. Cody played for the Arizona league dodgers before. Two years and counting but from what I'm seeing, he'll have a home in L.A soon. I could tell why he is our top prospect.

The guys warm up and stretch on their own. Today was about getting back into a routine. It came natural to everyone, obviously, but they were still a little rusty from off season. Justin and Chris were hitting in the cage with Turner Ward. I introduce myself to Ward but he seemed to already know who I was. "Yea, I used to golf with your father. He always talked about you," Ward says to me. "Oh gosh, I hope he didn't say anything too embarrassing," I blush. "Well, it was a while ago so you were still a preteen. But I remember him telling me about your grand slam in little league, you were quite the MVP," he says making me smile. "He was a good man. And father, especially," Ward smiles sympathetically. "He was," I agree with him.

Our conversation ended due to Chris asking Ward a question. I didn't want to interrupt their practice so I head over to the field where the starting infielders were fielding. Cody was at first instead of Segedin, though. And Culberson was at third. "Jenna, will you hit to them?" Hyers (assistant hitting coach) asks since he was called by Dave Roberts. "Of course," I say showing he didn't need to ask. Before I hit to Corey, he smiles knowing I was nervous. I've done this many times, though it was different since I was being held to the highest standard. Cody flashes a smile at me before fielding the ground ball with ease. I had to keep a straight face though, to show I was serious about this and wouldn't play favorites.

Later that day, we had a team meeting in the recreational facility nearby. It was just to go over what to expect this upcoming season and how there were probably gonna be some changes in a a lot places, starting with me being around. Not everyone agreed with me being there, but that was expected.

Our day of practice and getting into routine, ended around 6. I was just about to head back to the apartments when I was stopped by Cody. He was with, I'm guessing, his parents. "Jenna!" He waves to me and I make my way over to them. "What's up," I smile in politeness. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Harper," the Clay Bellinger says, before shaking my hand. "It's just Jenna, but really, the pleasures all mine. I was a Yankees fan growing up," I smile. "Oh really? I knew there was something I liked about her," Clay says to Cody. "That's enough, Dad," Cody laughs and so do we. "I'm Jennifer, the proud mom. It's nice to meet you," his mom introduces herself. "It's nice to meet you too," I shake her hand. "I can't wait to see you show those boys how it's done," she says enthusiastically, as a joke. We all laugh. "Why don't you join us for dinner later? We'd love to have your company," Clay offers me. "I don't want to intrude," I say unsure. "We insist, right Cody?" Jennifer looks at him. "I mean. If you don't have other plans?" He's caught off guard. "In that case, I'd love to. Where at?" I question. "Quiessence. It's the best in Phoenix," Jennifer replies. "Cody can take you and we'll meet you both there," she adds. I look at Cody who was holding back a laugh. "Well, I'll let you two get cleaned up, and we'll see you there," Jennifer says before Cody and I leave to catch the shuttle back to the apartment complex.

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