Eleven: Fights

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Later that day, some of the players and I went out for dinner. Doc even came out. We decided on Mexican, so you can bet there were a few margaritas. The place we were at, had a basketball game on, which meant they were in for a loud night. Madisyn came with Corey, but sat with me at the bar instead. He was too into the game to notice she had moved by me. "I really hope you and Cody can work things out. I was rooting for you two," she says as the bar tender handed her a drink she ordered. "Oh, we have," I say nonchalantly. Her eyes widen and she gets excited. "What! When did this happen," she asks. "Yesterday we made up, Then hung out and-," I stop myself from finishing because I knew I was saying too much. "And?" She could barely contain her curiosity. I don't answer, but I do make a guilty expression. "No. You guys didn't," she implied that we might've done something we'd regret. "No! Of course not. He just fell asleep, so he spent the night. On the couch," I add too many details in order to defend my self. "And so it begins. Again," she smirks. "Ha, good one. But you know what sucks," I force a smile. "What?" She was all ears. "If anything did happen between us, we could both lose our job," I sigh frustrated. She smiles sympathetically and rubs my shoulder to comfort me. "I couldn't risk it. I'd never forgive myself if I were the reason he lost something he worked his entire life for," I shrug. "You know. I bet he feels the same way," she smiles trying to make me feel better.

We were interrupted by Cody. "You two aren't talking about me are y'all?" He jokes, leaning against the bar beside me. "What? Of course no-" I nudge Madisyn, hinting that she wasn't a good liar. "I was just warning her about you and Corey's secret relationship," I joke also. "Oh no! You're on to us," he lies, playing along. "See I told you," I look at Madisyn, who wasn't buying it. "Mhm. Actually, speaking of Corey, I think he's calling me," she indiscreetly excuses herself, leaving Cody and I alone. "So what were you two talking about?" He questions with a smirk. "None of your business," I laugh at him. "Oh, so that's how it is," his smirk turns into a genuine smile. I stare at him for a moment, trying to figure out why he was so damn attractive, besides the obvious. "Another beer?" The bartender interrupts my thoughts. "No thanks, just the check," I reply, realizing I should call it a night. She nods and goes to print out my receipt. Getting drunk the night before a game would be the worst. "The game's not even over," Cody argues harmlessly. "I'm really tired, I honestly shouldn't have even come out tonight," I force a smile. "Well I'm glad you did," he stares at me for a short moment. I can't help but blush at his response. The bar tender comes back with my receipt and I go into my wallet to retrieve my card. Before I could even spot my card, Cody immediately pulls out his from his back pocket and hands it to the lady. All it took was an assuring smile for her to leave and run the card. "What the heck Cody. I could've paid for that," I furrow my eyebrows confused. "It's fine. It's the least I could do for all your help this season," he smiles. "Thanks I guess," I say and the lady hands Cody his receipt to sign. "Why don't I give you a ride back? The game's almost over anyways," he offers. "Are you sure you can even drive?" He had a few beers but seemed alright. "Yea I'm fine," he assures me. "I swear to God, Cody," he cuts me off. "I'm fine," he laughs at my seriousness. "And you're not supposed to swear to God," he gets on to me like I was a little kid, but fails to hide his lingering smile. "Whatever," I can't help but be amused by him.

As we were driving back to our place, we were joking about what happened earlier that morning. "I'm pretty sure I could've taken him," Cody says confidently. "Have you ever even been in a fight?" I laugh. "Yea," he sounded offended. "I was scrawny back then, so I lost. But that's not the point," he realizes he wasn't making his case any better. We both laugh. "Well how many fights have you been in?" He turns the question around to me. Instead of replying I just continue laughing. "What? I'm serious," he raises his eyebrows. I look at him still smiling, contemplating whether or not I should tell him. "I've been in one, not counting the time I punched this guy in my class for feeling me up. I honestly should've done more but he started crying and had a black eye for a week so I felt kind of bad," I admit. His eyes widen and I could tell he was slightly surprised. "No way. Did you win that one time though?" He laughs at my story. "Yes, actually," I say proudly. We had finally arrived home. "Oh, so she can fight too," he refers to me in third person. "That was like 7-8 years ago," I laugh as we both exited his car. "Oh, so you're saying you can't fight anymore," he teases me. "No," I think about a good answer. "So you can huh?" He laughs. "I mean, probably," I defend myself. "Cmon Jenna, you couldn't hurt a fly," he was amused by my determination. "Ohhhh, wanna bet?" I say as a dare. "What're you gonna do? Tackle me?" He laughs. "That's exactly what I'm gonna do," I go in to jump on his back, but instead he senses it in instinct and picks me up over his shoulder. "Bellinger! Put me down!" I hit his back, which didn't seem to phase him. It took a few more seconds of me resisting before he put me down. "Wow, you weigh a ton," he grips his shoulder, with a joking smile. "Shut up," I punch that exact shoulder, amused by the joke. "I'm kidding," he laughs. "You're perfect," he adds with a more serious tone. He would've gotten away with that, if not for the look on his face. I blush at his remark. "C'mon Cody. You can't be saying things like that to me," I sigh. "Like what? I'm just being honest," he shrugs innocently, knowing exactly what I meant. I can't help but smile at his attempt to slip a compliment into a joke. "You know what. Goodnight, Bellinger," we had finally arrived to my room. He blushes. "Goodnight, Harper," he sighs.

Here ya go. 15 freaking innings and my boys lose 8-7 ok. Plus it's 2:30 in the morning and I gotta be up at 7 for school fml. But its all good, bc they're my bb's. Next chapter is coming ASAP.*

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