Ten: "Go ahead, Bellinger. I dare you"

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March 9th, Thursday morning
I awoke to my alarm clock going off. I tried my best to ignore it as usual. "You gonna get that, Jenna?" I hear a raspy voice. I slowly open my eyes confused. I realize Cody and I had fallen asleep. I feel warmth where I laid my head and notice a stronger, yet adequate, scent of a familiar cologne. After turning my alarm off, I see a tired Cody, still half asleep. A small smile formed on my face. "We need to get ready for practice," I almost regret saying. He looked so content where he was and I'd hate whoever ruined that. After gently shaking his arm, his eyes flutter open and his sigh turns into a yawn. "Good morning to you too," he smiles jokingly. "Do you need to go to your place?" I question. "No, I've got workout clothes in my bag," he refers to his duffle bag on the counter. He sits up and really takes in his surroundings. "Sorry about... this," he didn't know how to put it into words. "No. It's fine, really," I made sure he didn't feel uncomfortable. He looks over at me with a smile that turns into a laugh. "What?" I smile too. "Nothing," he looks away, shaking his head but still laughing. He was thinking about something, he just wouldn't tell me. "Whatever. I'm gonna go get ready," I shake my head at him also laughing.

After changing into my uniform-like outfit for the day and fixing my hair, I exit my room to see Cody waiting for me since he's already ready to go. "Want a ride? I promise you, I'm not a horrible driver," he says half kidding. "I guess, if you're offering," I acted uninterested, obviously lying. He laughs at me.

"How many home runs you think you'll hit at bp today," I ask as we exited his car and made our way into the stadium. "I don't know, maybe 7," he shrugs modestly. "More like 17," I laugh at his dramatically low prediction for himself. "I like to stay humble," he defends himself but ends up laughing also. "You could at least be believable," I add and he agrees. "Well if it isn't the two love birds?" Cody and I hear someones voice behind us. We stop and turn around to to see who it was. "So she's the secret to that extra pop in your swing. I think I oughta try me a piece of that," I recognized him as Drew Jackson. 2B/SS, he played minors with Cody. "Dude just shut up," Cody was calm but annoyed at his remark. "You know who you're talking about right?" I started to grow angry. "Oh I know. Is that supposed to scare me? You're not gonna be here come season, so don't act all high and mighty," he smiles sarcastically. "We'll see. But I know for a fact you won't be on the roster," I copy his tone. "And he will?" Jackson refers to Cody. "Typical. I knew you were one to play favorites. Or maybe it's 'whoever can get my pants off the quickest gets a spot'," before he could do or say anything else, Cody drops his bag and grabs Jackson, pinning him against his own car. All Jackson does is smile. "That's what it is, isn't it?" Jackson continues to annoy Cody. "Why don't you shut the fuck up before I make you, Jackson," Cody was trying his hardest not to completely lose his temper. "Go ahead, Bellinger. I dare you," Jackson glares at Cody. "He's not worth it, Cody," I knew what the outcome to all of this was and Cody sure wasn't about to mess up his own career over me. "You should listen to your girlfriend," Jackson adds on to his attempt at provoking Cody. Cody's grip on Jackson gets tighter due to growing anger but eventually Cody lets go of him harshly. He immediately grabs his bag, still angry, and storms off. I follow behind him and jog to catch up. "Hey," I call after Cody but he ignores it. "Hey!" I was more stern. Cody stops and sighs. "What the hell were you thinking? You could've been suspended!" I had so many reasons why what he did was wrong but the only thing that really mattered was that he stood up for me. "I was not about to listen to him make up lies about you," he defends himself. "I've heard worse, trust me. Next time, let me handle it," I sigh frustrated. "Next time something like that happens, I'll make sure it never happens again," Cody used lots of emphasis. "For real, Cody. I can't have you lose your entire career on my behalf," I say more calmly but very serious. "You don't ever deserve to be treated like that, Jenna. No one does. Even if you weren't in the position you're in," Cody and I lock eyes. I wanted nothing more than to embrace him right then and there but I couldn't. "We don't want to be late," Cody adds after a short moment. He starts towards the entrance and after a moment of thought, I follow his lead.

"Jenna," I hear my name called by Chris. He jogs over to me. "Yea?" I question concerned. "You and Cody are finally talking again huh?" He smirks. "Not you too," I roll my eyes. "What?" He furrows his eyes brows, confused. "We're just friends," I sigh frustrated. "I never said y'all were anything else," he shrugs innocently. "You implied it," I start walking towards the locker room. He follows beside me. "What's got you so uptight," he asks. "Drew Jackson," I roll my eyes as I mentioned the name. "Shortstop? Kinda skinny?" Chris was confused, probably not recognizing the name exactly. "Yea," I laugh at his description. "What'd he do?" Chris questions, now realizing who I was talking about. "Doesn't matter. He's just the biggest douche ever," I get angry but hold my tongue. "Haven't these guys learned by now that we're kind of obligated to be nice to you. You kind of have a say over whether we have a career or not," he shrugs. "Wait. You feel like you have to be nice to me?" I question confused. "Don't take it the wrong way. We're friends, so I want to be nice to you," he quickly explains. "Huh," I think about what he said. "I don't expect anyone to kiss ass or anything, I just can't stand when I'm not given the same respect that I give others," I shrug. "That's what I'm saying. You're the assistant manager. You literally have the power to put them on the roster or just let them go," he continues his argument. "I'd never let my personal feelings bias any decision making," I include to his argument. "Of course not, you're way better than that," Chris agrees. "But I'm an exception right?" He laughs jokingly. "You already know you're a top pick, don't push it," I laugh too. "Now go practice, I'm sure there's a list of things you need to work on," I add. "I don't know if that's an insult or if you're just trying to get rid of me," he smiles. "Take it how you want," I shrug.

Wow I finally updated. I hope you like this book so far. I'm so hype that spring training starts in just about a month!! I swear I'll write more and update more often then. Make sure vote and leave a comment on what you might want to see happen next xoxo

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