Chapter Ten

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Avalon yelled into the receiver, causing Dani to move the phone away from her ear. "Cam, get over here!"

Dani let out a small laugh at her best friend's excitement. She should've known that this phone call was gonna be an entertaining one, especially after not talking to Ava for so long.

"You're on speaker now," announced Ava. "Now explain everything."

Dani, who was laying in the bed and under the covers - completely naked due to the 'extracurricular activites' she had participated in with Blake - began to give all the details of her situation. Minus the last few hours. Blake was currently in the shower without her, to his disappointment. She declined his invitation and took the time to let her best friend know that her life had pretty much changed completely.

"So you're telling me that you are living with Blake motherfucking Griffin?" Cam nearly yelled into the phone, making Dani laugh. "How the hell did this shit even happen?"

"I literally just told you," Dani said, smiling at his foolishness.

"How are you just now telling me is the real question here. I can't believe this, I hate you." Ava said, making Dani laugh again. She could almost hear the pout in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but there was so much going on. I did lose my job, guys."

"You'll find a new one, Dani, so don't even trip. Plus you got Blake." Ava reminded her. This was why she was her best friend, she kept Dani on track and didn't let her health problems get in the way of their friendship.

"Yeah, that's true." Dani nodded.

"So, did you fuck him?" Ava asked suddenly making Cam and Dani laugh loudly. "That's so rude." Cam said.

"It really is." Dani agreed as Ava scoffed.

"What? I just want to know."

At that moment, Blake walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, steam following right behind.

When he made eye contact with Dani, a grin spread across his freckled face as he walked over to her.

"Well did you?" Ava asked again as Dani's eyes traveled from his chest to his abs, still wet from his shower.

Blake laid down on top of her, however careful not to crush her with his weight.

Dani had to keep herself from shrieking into the receiver. "Can we talk about that later?"

Blake wrapped her arms around her and began to leave butterfly kisses along her cheek and jaw until he reached her neck. He started to suck and nibble as Dani bit her lip, trying to keep in the moan that was threatening to escape her mouth.

"Why can't we talk about it now?" Ava tested.

Blake sucked her spot harder, make Dani moan and quietly as she possibly could. "I'm a little busy right now."

"Busy fucking him!" Ava shrieked, making Cam laugh. "Bye, Dani." He said.

"But wait, I'm not done." Ava said to him. "Yes you are, leave the girl alone." Dani heard Cam say before hanging up the phone.

Once she put the phone down, Dani looked at Blake, who was now laying with his chin on her shoulder. A smirk spread across his face.

"That was so disrespectful." Dani said, making him laugh as he got up and shrugged.

"Just having fun." He said, walking over to the closet. "Now that you're done being 'busy fucking' me, why don't we get something to eat?"

Dani laughed. "You heard that, huh?"

"She was pretty loud." He said, giving a laugh of his own as he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt.

"That's Ava for you." Dani said, getting further under the covers. Blake walked over and attempted to pull the blankets off of her as she gripped onto them tighter.

"You gotta get from under there sooner or later."

"No. I'm naked." Dani mumbled, making him laugh.

"That's definitely going to be a problem." He joked as she got up and made her way to the bathroom.

About a half an hour later, Dani was in Blake's room, freshly showered in a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. She was in the middle of putting away her clothes in his closet when he came in the room from making a phone call.

"Did you have anything specific you wanted to eat?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Not really."

"Good, because I just ordered Chinese." He said smiling.

She snorted and broke out of his grasp. "What if I did though?"

"Oh well." He said, laughing.

She shook her head and continued on what she was doing. Dani was in a good place in her life right now, thanks to Blake. If Ava was here right now, she would say this newfound happiness in Dani was due to the fact that she finally got laid.

Though it's probably partially true, Dani gave credit to Blake for actually being there and caring for her. And she couldn't be anymore grateful.

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