Chapter Six

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Over the past three weeks, Dani and Blake maintained the same routine. Dani had lunch with Blake during their usual time during Monday through Thursday and she hung out with him at his house on Friday. She was stuck on the weekends, seeing as how they were the busiest days of the week.

These past few days have been tough, however, exhausting her. Now that kids were out of school, more people were showing up at the diner on weeknights. This only doubled Dani's workload, easily tiring her out. Her physical appearance began to match how she felt on the inside; her hair was a curly mess and dark circles took a permanent residence among her eyes. She was too tired to feel insecure though, even when she was hanging out with someone as gorgeous as Blake.

On Thursday morning, Dani walked into work determined to get through her day. She looked forward to the time she would spend at Blake's house the next day.

Dani walked into the kitchen and put on her apron as she was approached by Linda.

"Hey Danielle, can I talk to you for a minute?" Linda asked, not sounding happy.

Dani scrunched her eyebrows together, skeptical, yet she nodded. Linda never really talked to her about anything, she was usually busy managing the diner.

Linda lead her to her office in the back of the restaurant and closed the door.

She let out a sigh. "Danielle, there's no easy way for me to say this. You are one of, if not the, hardest worker in this diner. However, the diner hasn't been making enough money and we can't afford to have you and a few other of your coworkers work here anymore. I'm afraid I'm going to have to lay you off."

Dani's expression turned rock hard; her eyes glazed over and her jaw set. She couldn't believe the words coming out of this woman's mouth. "Linda," she said lowly, "I need this job more than anything else."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really wish there was something I could do-"

That was all Dani allowed her to say before turning on her heel and walking out of the office, her mind racing at a hundred miles per hour. She tore off her apron and grabbed her bag quickly before dashing out of the door.

She sat on the steps outside of the diner and put her head on her knees. How could this happen? She thought to herself. What will I tell mom? How are we going to pay the bills? What the fuck am I gonna do?

"Dani?" She was interrupted by a familiar voice. She quickly wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes before looking up to see the owner of the voice. She was surprised to see Blake, who was a full three hours early.

"What's wrong?" He asked, standing over her.

She stood up on the step, making her slightly shorter than his 6-foot 10-inch frame. "Have you been crying?" He asked before she could speak, looking into her eyes.

Dani took a deep breath. "I just got fired." The words tasted bitter in her mouth.

"Are you serious?! Why?"

"Apparently the diner hasn't been making enough money, so Linda can't pay me and a few of my other coworkers. Well, former coworkers." Dani looked down swiped at a tear.

Blake pulled her in for a bear hug. "I'm so sorry, Dani."

"It's fine. I'm fine. Really." She said once they separated.

Blake took her by the hand. "Fuck this diner, we're going to my place for ice cream."

Dani gave a small smile at his attempt to cheer her up as they made their way to his Mercedes. She got into the passenger seat as he got into the driver's seat and pulled off.

The car ride to his house was a silent one; Dani spent the entire time looking out of the window. Once they entered the house, Dani plopped down onto the couch while Blake went into the kitchen, preparing their ice cream.

He walked in with two fairly large bowls and sat down next to Dani. "I can't cook, so it's the least I can do."

She gave him another small smile, taking the bowl away from him. "I appreciate it," she said, digging in.

He watched her, eating his own ice cream. "Do you want to talk about it?" Blake asked after a few minutes of silence.

Dani sighed and sat her bowl on the coffee table. She didn't necessarily want to, but she felt like she had to. "I just don't know what to do. This job was the only thing keeping my mother and me from getting behind on all of the bills. She's gonna be so disappointed and she's already so stressed. I feel like I let her down. She's been working two jobs to support me by herself since my dad left when I was ten."

Tears were streaming down her face at this point, prompting Blake to pull her onto his lap and cradle her as if she were a child.

"I can't even keep a single job to take care of myself. What good am I?" She said before turning her head into his chest, sobbing.

"Shh," was all he whispered, rocking her back and forth.

Dani felt vulnerable and weak. The last thing she wanted was for Blake - or anyone for that matter - to see her at her worst like this, but her emotions caught the better of her. She cried and cried until her eyes ran dry and fell asleep in his arms.

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