Chapter Five

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A half an hour later, Blake finished giving Dani the tour of his house. Dani felt like she was in a small castle straight out of a fairytale. It was surreal.

"Are you hungry?" Blake asked once they reached the bottom of the stairs. Now that he said something, she realized she hadn't eaten anything all day.

"Yeah, I am actually."

"Well I can't cook, so you can see what's in the-" He started before being cut off.

"Are you serious? What do you eat?" She adked incredulously.

"I usually go out to eat. I go to the diner everyday for lunch, remember?"

She just shook her head and made her way to his kitchen, Blake following close behind.

She started moving around the kitchen, opening different cabinets and pulling out various ingredients. "I'm gonna cook you something and you're gonna like it."

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes glued to her as she moved about the kitchen. His eyes traveled from her long legs to her face. Blake thought she looked adorable as her brown eyes were focused on what she was doing.

Her eyes met his and she smiled. "What are you looking at?"

"You." He grinned.

She shook her head, looking down at the vegetables she was chopping. "You creep."

He chuckled and continued watching her. "What are you making?"

"Spaghetti. One of my best." She said, not looking up.

"Sounds good." He said, as she continued cooking. When she finished, the two sat at the table and ate their food. Blake complimented her cooking, which she appreciated.

After eating, the two sat on the couch in the living room, watching a movie Dani couldn't really pay attention to. Not with Blake sitting so close to her.

She put her legs on his lap and laid on her back, growing tired.

Blake looked over at her. "Are you doing okay?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine. Just sleepy." She sighed.

"I mean in general. You seem so tired all the time. Maybe you should take a break from work or something." He told her.

She narrowed her eyes at him, not saying anything at first. "Why do you care so much?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

He thought about his answer for a while before speaking. "Because you deserve it. You're a great person, Dani. You're the strongest, nicest, prettiest person I've ever met and I just want you to be happy." Blake confessed, surprising her.

Dani sat up, taking her legs off of his lap and crossing them, still facing him. "Do you honestly mean that?"

He smiled and rubbed her red hot cheek with his thumb as she bit her lip. "Yeah," he mumbled quietly. Neither of them said anything as Blake stared at her lips.

After a moment, he leaned in as she did the same, their lips crashing together. His hand never left her face as their lips moved in sync. Dani wrapped her arms around his neck as he laid her down, hovering over her. Her fingers fondled with his curly hair as he nibbled on her bottom lip.

The two finally seperated after what seemed like forever and gasped for air, smiles plastered on their faces.

"I guess you did mean it then," She said looking up at him, his face barely an inch away from hers.

"I wouldn't lie to you Dani," he said seriously, pulling himself off of her. She sat up as well, fixing her hair. "Even though we haven't known each other long, I care about you."

Dani smiled at him, yet she had an internal battle with herself. Did he really care about her for her? Or was it just because she had cancer?

She pushed the thought from her mind when Blake touched her face again. "You're beautiful Dani."

Her cheeks flared red and he laughed. "You're making me blush on purpose, asshole," she said, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"I can't help it, it's so fun," he said grinning. Dani playfully punched his arm, making him laugh.

Later, Dani noticed how dark it was getting. The two spent the past few hours just talking to each other. Though it may have seemed boring, she and Blake had a lot of interesting things to talk about. They really enjoyed each other's company.

"I should probably go now," she said, looking at her phone. It was almost ten.

"Stay a little while longer," Blake pleaded, poking out his bottom lip.

"I can't," she said getting up. "I have work in the morning."

"The customer is always right?" He tried, making her laugh.

"Not here."

He walked Dani to her car, pulling her in for a hug before she left. On the way home, Dani thought about the last few hours, having a hard time keeping the smile off her face.

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