Chapter Two

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Two Weeks Later

Nothing was more relieving to Dani than coming to work on a Monday morning. Linda's Diner was at it's slowest during the week, especially midday hours. Although she made a lot more money working during the busier hours, specifically Friday and Saturday nights, she really appreciated those days where she didn't have to be on her feet at all times.

Usually during the week, the diner had the occasional old couple on a date or a housewife looking for a quick lunch break.

While working at the diner, Dani had her fair share of needy and rude costumers, who she believed was plotting to make her life a living hell. She didn't let that bother her though, doing what she could to keep the job she was lucky to even have.

Walking into work that morning, Dani was already tired after staying overtime the night before.

Yawning, she waved hello to the host, Trevor, before making her way to the kitchen. She put her bag away, clocked in and put her apron on. Taking out her notepad, she walked over to the bar and was ready for her day to begin.

In the first few hours, Dani waited on only five tables. Still tired, she sat on a crate in the kitchen hoping to get a few minutes to herself. That is until one of the other waitresses came to break the peace. "Dani, you got table number 16."

Sighing, Dani got up from her crate, the few moments of relaxation slipping right through her fingers.

She walked over to her designated table where a large man sat alone, looking at a menu. He wore a hoodie, baggy sweats, and a beanie. Even though he was inside, his expensive looking sunglasses rested on his face.

"Hi, I'm Dani. I'll be your server this afternoon. Can I start you off with a drink?" She said when she approached the booth, a smile plastered onto her face.

The man looked up at her. "Dani?"

She raised an eyebrow as he removed the sunglasses from his face, revealing his familiar dark eyes.

"Blake?" Dani gasped, clearly surprised. How did she not recognize him? "What are you doing here?"

He just smiled, "Came to get the world famous 'Linda's Lunch'. Why else would I be here?" He said referring to the diner's lunch special, which was nasty as hell according to Dani.

"Ew," She laughed, "seriously though. Why Linda's?"

"I usually come here during the weekdays since it's so empty," He explained. "I've been coming here for a few years during the off-season, but I've never seen you here before.."

"I just started working here a couple months ago. Needed to find a job and Linda offered me one, so here I am."

He nodded looking up at her. "Come sit with me," he said, catching Dani by surprise.

"Um, I don't think so. I mean, not that I don't want to, I'm working. You know?" She stammered.

He chuckled, "Just a few minutes?"

She looked around the diner. There was a young guy at one of the tables with a laptop in front of him and an old couple sitting by a window feeding each other soup. Dani looked back at Blake who was giving her the puppy dog eyes. Sighing in defeat, she slid into the seat across from him.

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"The police are coming for me right now," She joked, making him laugh. Dani gave a giggle of her own.

"So, how have you been?" Blake asked once the laughter died down, keeping his eyes on her. "You seem tired."

"I am," She admitted truthfully, tucking her short brown hair behind her ears. "but I'll be alright. Nothing I can't handle."

He gave her another one of those looks she couldn't describe. "Tell me about yourself," he asked, catching her off-guard.

She shrugged, "What do you wanna know?"

"Anything. Everything." He smiled at her, causing a blush to crawl up on Dani's medium toned skin.

"Well you already know the basics. My mom is white and my dad is black, and I was raised in a single parent home my whole life. I have a couple of half siblings I've never met. I went to public school, was in college for a while. That's about it." She shrugged.

"So you're a mixed breed like me, huh?" Blake said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so," She said smiling.

"What about your dad?" He asked, once again catching her by surprise.

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?" She said quickly.

"Oh sorry sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I was just curious," He said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.


"DANI! I ask you to wait on this table and you're just sitting here like you don't have a goddamn care in the world. Get back here!" Yelled the other waitress from the kitchen.

Dani just sighed. "Well, I have to get back to work," she said getting up. "It was nice seeing you again."

"Yeah, you too," he said as she walked away. "You too..."

Later that night, Dani walked into her apartment building, stopping at the front desk in the lobby to talk to the secretary, Marshall. He was an older, good looking man, about 30 or so. She made sure she talked to him every time she passed by, just to show her appreciation for his constant help.

"Hey Marsh," she said once she approached.

"Hey Dani, how was work?"

"The usual, nothing out of the ordinary," she said with a small sigh.

Narrowing his eyes at her, Marshall knew something was off. "You're lying, I can see it all over your face. Who have you been talking to?"

"No one," she said a little too quickly. "I'll see you later."

"Mhm. Bye Dani."

Dani hurried off and stepped into the elevator, pressing the number 10. She leaned against the back wall, feeling a headache coming on. Today had been a tiring day for Dani although she didn't have as much to do. The days were getting longer and she was having a hard time maintaining a positive attitude.

Once she reached the tenth floor, Dani walked into the apartment she shared with her mother and went straight to her room. She changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt before clipping her short hair from her face.

After taking her medicine, she collapsed onto her bed. Dani checked her phone to see a text she received from her mother.

Gonna be working late tonight, so don't wait up for me.

Sighing, Dani put her phone away and went to bed, hoping for enough sleep to get her through the next day.

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