Chapter 2

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 Suga's P.O.V

   "beep, beep,beep" went my alarm clock. I jumped out of bed excited to go out and find the mystery girl. All the members got a rest day as they were tired after the fanmeet, so my entire day was free. I got ready to go out quickly and saw Jin preparing breakfast.

    " Huh? Am I seeing things? Is Yoongi actually up EARLY?" Jin exclaimed in disbelief.

    Usually I would be asleep right now, but I just had so much energy today just by thinking of finding this girl.

    " I'm shocked too hyung. Well, I have to get going now!Bye!" I said happily as I left the dorm in a rush.

Jin's P.O.V

    " Yah! Don't forget your breakf... and he's gone." I said as Yoongi left the house.

    "What has gotten into him?" I thought as I shook my head in confusion.


Suga's P.O.V

   I went to the last place I saw her. Han River. I hoped that no one would recognise me, I wore a hat and a mask so people would not recognise me, because a lot of trouble would be caused if I was noticed. 

   I walked around Han River for about two hours, I had walked an entire round but she was no where to be found.

   "Where could she be?" I wondered to myself as I continued searching.

  "Where would a girl like her go to..." I thought as I racked my brain for places I thought she would go to. Suddenly I thought of a place she may go to." Shopping gin Gangnam?" I wondered out loud.

You took the subway there and reached soon enough. Couples walked up and down the streets of Gangnam, hand in hand as they shopped together. I couldn't help but think how it would feel like to hold her hand...

"Stop it Yoongi! You can't think about that!"I mentally slapped myself. 

I walked into nearly every store but I did not see her.

"This is harder than I thought." I was starting to get tired of walking around.

"Okay, one last store and if she's not there, I'll go back." I thought to myself.

I hoped and prayed she would be there.

Your P.O.V

  "Hmm. What should I do today?" you thought to yourself as you looked through your schedule. Interestingly, you only had practice today in the evening, so you had the most of the day free. After thinking for a while you thought of the allowance you recently received.

  "Shopping!" you squealed excitingly out loud.

And you knew the perfect place for buying clothes.

I loved shopping in Gangnam. The clothes that they sold there were so trendy.

As I shopped, there were couples shopping together, and my mind could not help but wonder to a certain someone I saw yesterday.....

"Snap out of it!" I shook myself out of it and continued shopping.

I entered a large store named X-fashion. They sold nice clothes so I looked around, bought a few items and went out of the store.

But on the way out I accidentally bumped into someone. 

Suga's P.O.V

"Sorry Miss," I said as I turned to apologize to the person I knocked into

It was her. I stood there frozen in shock, unable to move because I could not believe I had found her.She still looked as beautiful as she was yesterday.

"I'm sorry," she said as she walked away. Her voice was smooth like silk, I started to feel that fluttering feeling again in my heart and my heartbeat sped up as I watched her walk away from me.

"What are you standing for. Go get her! You may never see her again! "I thought as I started to walk towards her.

 " Miss! Wait up!" I tried calling out for her and as she turned around, I suddenly heard a shout.

" OMG! Is that Suga from BTS?!"

Suddenly people started to gather around me, asking if I really was Suga from BTS. I did not want to disappoint my fans.So I took off my mask and started to sign autographs and took selcas with the fans.At the same time, I tried to look her in the crowd.

When I did see her, I saw her walking away from the crowd.

" No, I can't lose you again!" I thought sadly.But there was no way to get out of this crowd

Eventually I had to call my manager to come and pick me up. The crowd was still quite big and there was no way I could get out of there myself.

On the ride back home, I let out a sigh of frustration as I thought back to how I had been so close to finding her, and that she had slipped away again.

That night
Your P.O.V

Before I went to sleep, I scrolled through instagram in bed. There were many pictures of selcas people took with Suga today. Apparently he was in Gangnam today.

"I missed him? Seriously?" I scrolled through the pictures and saw that he had been out side X-fashion store today.I heard someone scream that Suga was there this afternoon when I was there.But I had to go for practice so I couldn't check it out for myself.

"He seems familiar..." I realized. I tried to remember why he seemed familiar. I finally remembered  where I had seen him today. He bumped into me outside the store today and called me when I walked away.

"But why would Suga call me?" I wondered. I probably just imagined it, but part of me knew that it was real.

I fell asleep, hoping that I would see him again.

Suga's P.O.V

"I'm sorry," was all I had heard from this mystery girl.Her voice played on repeat in my mind as I fell asleep.I imagined how it would felt like for her to call my name, it made me feel warm inside.

I was smiling like a fool as I fell asleep, what were the chances that I would bump into her today?

Maybe it was fate, our destiny to meet each other?

I really hoped it was.

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