Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V

"I mean we should reveal our relationship to our fans"

I knew that we would have to tell our fans about our relationship. It wouldn't be fair if we just kept it a secret.

" Well, shouldn't we ask our managers first?"

"My manager already knows about it,"

"What!?" I exclaimed. I thought that no one else except BTS and know about our relationship.

"Calm down, both of our managers know already," Yoongi said with a laugh.

Yoongi's P.O.V

She flustered and angry as she bombarded me with questions. She looked so cute when she was angry as she pouted and crossed her arms.

" Well they knew quite a while ago."


"Yah, Yoongi are you seeing anyone recently?" Manager hyung asked.

" W-what? No way!" I lied. Did he already know?

" Aish don't lie to me. You've been acting weirder lately, less tired and grumpy than usual. Of course you must have met someone!"

" Seems like you really do know me well hyung," I said, " but are you okay with it?"

" Well the company says it's not allowed soo..."manager hyung said as I felt my heart drop.

" Haha, just kidding. It's not really allowed but if you're happy, it's fine with me. Now tell me, who is the girl?"

I gushed to him about Minyoung and he chuckled

" Yoongi is finally a man!" I glared at him as he gave me a pat on the back and walked away.

The next day

I was contacted by Minyoung's manager today. We met at a cafe and I sat down infront of her.

" So I hear you're dating my Minyoung," She said sternly.

" Yes, I am dating Minyoung. I hope you will give us you're blessings!" I said nervously because her face looked grim and serious.

A smile cracked across her face as she chuckled,

" Don't need to be so tense! I know you may think I'm against that idea, but Minyoung is so much happier now. So, screw the rules,if Minyoung's happy, that's fine with me!"

"Thank you!" I exclaimed gladly.

Flashback end

Minyoung nodded her head in understanding as I continued to explain,

"So, they advised us to reveal our relationship soon so we can stop hiding. Anyways, fans are already speculating about us,"

Minyoung's P.O.V

He wasn't wrong. Many articles had come out with pictures of us on our dates speculating our relationship.

" So I guess we'll just announced it through social media?" I asked as Yoongi gave me a smug smile and said,

" I have something better in mind,"
Today was the day we planned to reveal our relationship.

I walked into the stadium crammed with fans waiting for the show to start.

I went backstage and looked for Yoongi.

I was so caught up that I walked face first into someone.

"Ouch! Oh, I'm sorry!" I said embarrassed as I started to run a at to avoid further embarrassment.

" Aren't you going to say to you're boyfriend?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I turned around and realised that the man I bumped into was Yoongi.

" Oh Yoongi-ah? I didn't realize that it was you sorry,' I said as I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Aigoo, my jagi is so clueless. You look lost, you need some help?"

I nodded my head as he led me to the dressing rooms.

" This is your room. The show will start soon, I'll call you later ok? My manager will tell you what to do," Yoongi said with a smile as he walked out of the room.

I plopped myself down on the couch as I waited for someone to come in.

Soon enough, two ladies and one man walked in the room.

The man extended his hand and smiled as he said, "Hi, you must be Minyoung. Nice to meet you, I'm the manager of BTS. These ladies are here to help you with your wardrobe and makeup,"

I shook his hand and smiled back as he continued to brief me about what I was supposed to do.
"Minyoung, you're up in five minutes!" The concert director hollered as I ran up to the rising platform.

Yoongi stood there and gave me a warm hug when I ran up to him.

" Yah, don't be so nervous. I'll be there with you,"

Only then did I realised that I was shaking nervously.

He held my hand tightly in reassurance as I heard someone shout,

" Going up in 3,2,1!"

The platform rose up and we were greeted with the screams of what seemed to be millions of fans.

"Wassup army are you ready?!" Yoongi growled as he walked down the stage and hyped up the fans.

The track for our rap came up and we started to perform.

Yoongi looked so cool as he rapped, spitting fire with every word he spoke.

Soon, our segment came to an end and we stood together at the very end of the stage.

" Army, I'd like you to quiet so down as I introduce to you," Yoongi said as the entire stadium quietened immediately, awaiting Yoongi's next few words.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close as he continued,

" I'd like to introduce to you the love of my life, Kim Minyoung! Army please give us your blessings!"

The stadium went wild with cheers and screaming, as Yoongi and I walked back hand din hand.

We did it. We finally told everyone and a weight felt like it was being lifted off my shoulders as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Good job jagi" Yoongi whispered as we stood together on the platform and descended back downstage.


I'm trying to wrap up this story quickly so please excuse these few chapters if they are sloppy 😫

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