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This'll  be a short chapter. On the bright side I realized this was a draft and actually didn't post it yesterday, sorry KuroShirota16 and as promised here's the next chapter. By the way,KuroShirota16 comment a lemon, lime, fluff, angst, or etc. Through my Servamp x reader (Requests) book make sure you comment!


3rd person pov:

The chaos through the eves and Servamps settled down- though not so much, yet something seemed to wash ove the group a feeling of uncertainty. The plans they had worked up wouldn't be as great as they thought- they would see that in the near future when everything was in ruins, and not everyone was willing to cooperate seeing they did not have enough information

Kuro pov: 

'"Kuro" Mahiru and y/n made you happy, didn't they? You silly cat y/n will never except you if she found out what you did, so there's no use in falling in love...' I only sighed hearing my inner me talking he would  never understand, so there's no use explaining 'ignoring me now huh, I am only trying to help you... you can't fall in love with her.' I was slightly annoyed by the voice inside my head.

I then snapped back to real life "-Kuro did you get any of that?!" Mahiru yelled "No." I said nonchalantly, Mahiru just slammed his hand on the table as if we were in a shounen manga " I'm only going to explain this one more time so listen up! Kuro you are staying with me and y/n, Lawless and Licht are going to keep Tsubaki's subclass' busy, while that is happing Tetsu and Hugh are going to block off the stairs to the top flor of the hotel just incase some slip through, and Misono and Lily are going to lead Tsubaki away while we take any information they have about C3, Okay?!" He said in one breath I only hummed in reply "For now let us all train, we may be strong but just incase." ' This day is turning out to be a real pain, can't deal..'

We went down to the basement Tetsu and Hugh built to train (In the manga they do this.) "Wow, so huge!" y/n beamed at the impressive training area. "Ah, whatever I'm going to play my game now, so don't bother me until we are done here..." I said walking to a near by corner with my blue nintendo 3Ds playing f/g, y/n sat down next to me laying her head on my shoulder, not that I minded or anything."  Mmm, Kuro you have to stop being so lazy. We have to train." she said her kind smile never fadding ' No Kuro stay here she can't associate with a monster like you' My inner said "Kuro, are you okay you look a little dazed. " she said looking slightly worried "No. everything is fine, I'll join you later." although in reality it was not fine .

Y/n pov:

Something is wrong with Kuro, but I just can't put my finger on it. I feel bad that I can't help him, do I leave to let he be at ease. "Alright y/n you can train with me!" Mahiru said with his signature grin. "A-alright" I say bringing out my lead "Ready, set, GO!" He charges at me and I jump over him leaving him open in the back. I kick him, but his slides barely blocking my atack. He soon attacks me with his lance/spear,but I dodge it missing a inch of my face. I elbow him in the stomach, and he falls down and I put the blade to his neck his eyes widden a bit, but he then smiles "Good job y/n! You did good!" I help him up and put my lead away. " We'll stop Tsubaki in no time!" Mahiru says cheerfully ' I hope so...'

I go over to Kuro to check on him, I squat down to his level and he looks at me "You did good I think we should be fine. By the way, your panties are showing..." He says pointing at me, I am now beet red now sitting on my knees "w-whatever... I love you." I peck him on the lips " I can't face you like this..." He says turning away.

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