Past revealed

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3rd person pov:

Y/n and all the other eves and Servamps had went off to find Tsubaki the next day, but what they don't know is that Kuro's secret will soon be revealed. They were heading toward the tall hotel building where supposedly Tsubaki was hiding out.

Kuro pov:

We were taking a long walk towards the tall building and entered it with caution. Y/n quickly advanced ahead and I pulled her behind me just incase there was an ambush ahead. We had moved along and went up to the 50th floor. "Are you guys ready?" Mahiru asked and we all nodded. Tsubaki and Sakuya were looking as if they were waiting on us " Hey big brother, oh, you're little girlfriend is still alive and your subclass?! Wow, I'm impressed," Tsubaki said with laughter in his voice " Mahiru, was is Y/n here? I bet you made her costume, never thought you were a pervert," Sakuya grimaced. " Oh, before we start, shall I tell you our history Y/n?" Tsubaki smiled " Long ago, some hundred years ago, My siblings had received a letter to kill a certain someone," Tsubaki started. I could feel my blood boil, but kept my nonchalant behavior. " Three of my siblings said no, but the other four said to do it. You know who this certain someone was...well dear, he was our creator, and you know who killed him... It was no other than big brother sloth!" He finished with a crazed laughter. Y/n looked shocked, but shook her head, " I still love Kuro! Nothing could ever change that!" She yelled to my surprise " Sorry doll face, but we'll have to kill you," Sakuya said. " Sorry Y/n but I have to do this," Lily said pulling out sexy photos of Y/n" Lily! Where did you get those?!" Y/n yelled 

 " Sorry Y/n but I have to do this," Lily said pulling out sexy photos of Y/n" Lily! Where did you get those?!" Y/n yelled 

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" Photoshop, but it looks real right?" Lily said while laughing at all of Tsubaki's guy subclasses fell down with nose bleeds " Well, it worked," I said while glaring at Lily

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" Photoshop, but it looks real right?" Lily said while laughing at all of Tsubaki's guy subclasses fell down with nose bleeds " Well, it worked," I said while glaring at Lily. I turned over to Mahiru, Misono, and Tetsu they were all dazed and unconscious " We took out three of our guys as well," I said sweet dropping, " They are teenage boys after all it's only natural," Mikuni said as he looked towards Tsubaki. 

Y/n pov: 

  I turned towards Licht and Lawless and they looked like they were ready to pummel Tsubaki. Mikuni kept his sly grin plastered on his face, and I went to take the first blow. Tsubaki dodged my scythe with ease as he went behind me to hit me on the back of my head, but I back flipped showing my f/c panties a bit with my skirt part of my dress glided down slowly. " Ah, great reflexs," Tsubaki commented as I aimed my scythe at his abdomen, but he jumped over it and kicked me in my back making me stumble forward coughing up blood. " Agh," I groaned in pain and Kuro caught me before I could fall down. " Here," Kuro said tilting his neck to the side, and I automatically lunged at his neck piercing my fangs into his skin. I moaned while sucking his blood, for I could taste the sweetness and emotion in his blood. " Thanks...Kuro," I said putting my lead away and I fell into a deep slumber.

Kuro pov:

  "Tsubaki, I don't want to fight you," I said while laying Y/n on the ground while I glared daggers at him " That's an interesting big brother face you have," Tsubaki grinned I placed a kiss on Y/n lips before handing her to Licht " Take care of her Angel-chan," I said my voice not faltering, "Alright, I will," Licht responded. Licht picked up Y/n and she automatically clung to him making him soften his face. I knew that she thought it was me who had picked her up, so I had left it alone and went to face Tsubaki on this starless night.



Sorry I was gone for three months and left ya guys hangin'. I was busy with school and these retarded teachers can't chill out with homework and essays, but I'll try to 

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