Clueless pt.2

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Kuro pov:

As she was hugging my arm I couldn't help but get dirty thoughts. 'Great just great she's rubbing against my arm' she stopped when we heard a knock on the door ' They're her now...' We opened the door and exchanged greetings " Oi, brother what is a girl doing here?.." Lawless said as he was taking off his glasses to get a closer look. "Now that I get a closer look she's pretty cute." he says and walks up to her to kiss her hand " My precious Juliet..."

Y/n pov:

One of Kuro's  brothers came up to me and kissed my hand, so once he was done I gave him a hug as a greeting. He looked shocked but then smirked and pushed his glasses up with his index finger and hugged me back his hands down to my waist I didn't think anything of it at the time and took it as a kind gesture, but then...


I looked shocked but I reply back anyway " I thought it was a kind gesture isn't it Mahiru?.." I said still confused why the boy with black with a line of white in his hair would say that. " Well uh... it can mean different things like you said "a kind gesture" , but with these guys it means you are trying to seduce them... 1. Because of your big breasts,  2. You didn't ask their names, 3. Lawless' hands were down south... sooo yeah. Still slightly confused I then asked "what does seduce mean?" They looked at me dumbfounded.

Kuro pov:

'How does she not know what seducing is or that she's doing it?!' I sighed and grabbed my DS and a bag of potato chips. They then started being really friendly with her and I can admit it was making me a bit jealous and furious that they were taking advantage of her and her innocence

"Hello I am Snow Lily, and I am the servamp of lust. You can call me anything you like though... I feel like we'll getting along with each out really well" Lily said stretching out the r. I was getting so irritated I said something that shocked everyone " y/n come cuddle with me... *transforms into cat * after all I am a cute cat..." I said knowing she wouldn't decline my offer " Aww... you're so cute. How can I say no?" She picked me up and cuddled me against her breasts... I would be lying if I said this didn't feel like heaven. Then Lawless turned into a Hedgehog without her noticing.

She then put me down and went to the Hedgehog " Where did you come in from?" She said and was cuddling with it as she did with me. I glared daggers at the Hedgehog as he squeaked happily she then put it down and it turned into Lawless as he was smirking.

y/n pov:

It then turned into Kuro's brother " If you wanted to cuddle you could have told me. Anyone else wanna cuddle?" Everyone immediately raised their hands except for Mahiru who did not look pleased as he shook his head muttering to himself about something. Lawless then tripped me which I could tell was deliberate as I fell I saw a flash of black under me as kuro turned it his human form. As I landed on him I didn't know the shirt rode up and showed my f/c panties "I am so sorry Kuro." I then stood up and helped him up.

Kuro glared at Lawless who than said " That was a nice view.."



My mom gave me extra time on the computer to finish this I will ask for more time if I can this chapter was JUICY I hope you liked it I feel like I am getting better sorry for the short chapter! In second thought I might use my sister's computer... she has not time limit. Until next time toodles!

- Cookie-chan

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