BTS Group Chat #1

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Night out with BTS and everyone leaves you with Jin.

Joonie: Last night was fun! We need to do it again!

Kookie: Ne!

Jinnie: No way not again!!

ChimChim: Aw why not!?

Jinnie: Well not with (Y/N)!!

Hobi: Why? She can come again.

Jinnie: No!!

Jinnie: I literally left (Y/N) alone for 5 minutes and when I came back she were blind drunk and proposing to the bartender.

TaeTae: OMO!! Really!?!

Kookie: 😂😂

Hobi: 😂😂

You: In my defence, you had left me completely unsupervised.

Suga: I saw that happening

Jinnie: Why didn't you stop her!?!?

Suga: Because it was funny!!

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