Hoseok #27

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Part 2 for your brother finds out your dating a member. You text your boyfriend telling them that your brother knows.

You: Yoongi knows

Hobi: Yoongi knows

You: Wait how do you know?

Hobi: He's just spoken to me, you?

You: He found out the other day and texted me today. He took it pretty good.

Hobi: Yeah same here, he didn't blow up on me. We just sat down and talked.

You: He told me he trusted you and I quote 'I trust him, I'd rather you date someone I know then a stranger. But if anything happens between you two, talk to me, I'll be there for you.'

Hobi: See I told you he'd be okay with it all

You: I know but we still need to tell the others.

Hobi: We will do but at least we do t have to tell your brother now.

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