Yoongi #27

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Part 2 for your brother finds out your dating a member. You text your boyfriend telling them that your brother knows.

You: So you told Hoseok about us

Suga: Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you before

You: It's fine, he had to find out sometime. He said he's not mad and that he likes the idea of us together. And I quote 'I know Yoongi and I know he is good for you. I see the way you look at each other. I know he will treats you like a princess.'

Suga: That's good. He was so smiley when I told him about us. I have never seen him that happy.

You: Really?

Suga: Yeah, I think he might of shipped us together. I think he sort of knew about us before we said anything.

You: Omo sounds like him. I agree I've never seen him respond this week to me having a boyfriend before.

Suga: You know I treat you like a princess now but when we get married you'll be my queen. I don't see anyone else in my life but you. You're the one for me.

You: Yoongi...

You: You're going to make me cry! I love you so much, I'm never going to leave you. I don't want nobody but you.

Suga: I love you too, more than you know.

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