Hoseok #26

658 23 1

You're his little sister and you're dating another member.

Hobi: So how's Yoongi?

You: How would I know he's your member

Hobi: He's your boyfriend

You: How did you know?

Hobi: Yoongi told me

You: Oh sorry for not telling you.

Hobi: Don't worry Yoongi explained everything.

You: I thought you would have reacted differently...

Hobi: I'm not mad at you, even if Yoongi didn't tell me I wouldn't be mad. I know Yoongi and I know he is good for you. I see the way you look at each other. I know he will treats you like a princess.

You: Thank you oppa 💕

Hobi: Love you baby sis

You: Love you too

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