Taehyung #21

755 27 3

You: Teahyung it's not that big of a deal!

You: Answer me!

You: Jagiya

You: TaeTae

You: I can see you reading my messages, are you really not going to text me back?

TaeTae: That's not fair! You k ow I can't stay mad at you when you call me TaeTae

You: Well that's kind of the point! You have no reason to be mad at me!

You: Hoseok was my bias before I met you and got to know you

TaeTae: Urg!

TaeTae: I'm still mad at you.

You: Tae! Stop! You are been a baby! Do you really have to sit there and pout because Hoseok was my first bias?

TaeTae: I'm not going to talk to you.

You: Fine okay, whatever.

TaeTae: Wait

TaeTae: Where are you going?

TaeTae: Come back

TaeTae: I'm not mad anymore

TaeTae: Are you really going to leave me on read?

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