Yoongi #20

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Suga: What's his name?

You: Who's name?

Suga: The guy you're sitting with

You: Yoongi are you following me!?

Suga: Answer my question

You: His name is (Y/B/N) and he is my brother, thank you for having trust in me Yoongi.

Suga: I do trust you

Suga: It's guys I don't trust

Suga: I love you and I don't wanna loose you to some normal guy

You: Normal guy?

You: Is this about you being an idol? Again?

You: Yoongs we've talked about this. You being an idol isn't a problem for me. I will never leave you for a 'normal guy'. I love you with all my heart, if I didn't I wouldnt be with you.

Suga: I know I'm just paranoid that you will leave me for someone who will be around 24/7

Suga: I love you too

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