Yoongi #26

743 20 1

You're his little sister and you're dating another member.

Suga: We need to talk.

You: Oh no that doesn't sound good

Suga: You need to be honest with me

You: Okay

Suga: Are you and Hoseok dating?

You: Yes...

Suga: Why didn't you tell me?

You: We were going to tell you but we wanted to test the waters first, before we told anyone just in case it didn't work out.

Suga: But you've been together for 2 months now. Why didn't you tell me sooner?

You: We were going to but things started popping up and getting in the way. We were actually going to tell everyone this weekend over dinner.

Suga: Okay I understand

You: How did you find out?

Suga: I overheard yours and Hoseok's conversation the other day.

You: Oh, is it only you that knows?

Suga: I haven't told anybody if that's what you mean. I was going to let you come out and say it.

You: Thank you

You: Wait...you're taking this well...

Suga: Dis you think I was going to blow up on you?

You: Yeah kinda...

Suga: I trust him, I'd rather you date someone I know then a stranger. But if anything happens between you two, talk to me, I'll be there for you.

You: I know thank you, you're the best big brother.

You: I love you

Suga: I love you too

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