Taehyung #26

676 18 1

You're his little sister and you're dating another member.

TaeTae: So you and Jimin

You: ....

TaeTae: You make a cute couple

You: Okay...??

TaeTae: I'm glad you two are dating, you're perfect for each other.

You: Tae?

TaeTae: Yeah?

You: Are you okay?

TaeTae: About you and Jimin dating, yes

You: Okay that's good but that's not what I'm asking about. How are you so okay with me dating your best friend?

TaeTae: I told you, you make a perfect couple. Plus Jimin came to me to ask permission if he could date you. I was just waiting for you to tell me.

You: Oh right

TaeTae: Anyway I need to get back to practice, love ya sis

You: Love you too...

You: Well that was weird...

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