Namjoon #23

798 22 90

You: Hey Joon are you awake?

Joonie: No I'm asleep

Joonie: What's up, it's 2am why are you awake?

You: Are you tired?

Joonie: Yeah

You: Thats because you've been running through my mind all day

Joonie: Omo

You: What do you get when you run behind a car?

Joonie: I don't know, what?

You: Exhaust-ed

You: What do you get when you run in front of a car?

Joonie: GO TO SLEEP!!!!

You: But..

Joonie: Please baby, go to sleep and I'll be next to you when you wake up, okay?

You: Okay, I love you

Joonie: I love you too

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