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Today I didn't start crying
Today I'm surviving
Today I still am struggling
Today, at least I'm trying
Yesterday I was depressed
Yesterday I couldn't unstressed myself
Yesterday I felt bad and blame no one but my own self.
Yesterday I kept trying to clear my head
Yesterday I cried until I fell asleep on my bed
Before yesterday
Before today
I was filled with laughter
I was filled with joy
All because of this one boy
He looked after me
I don't care what anyone says
"You're still young"
"You'll find somebody"
"If it's meant to be, it's yours"
"He's not worth it"
Yeah yeah yeah
I heard all this
But no one gets it
No one understand how hard it is to fight for what you want.
No one understands that nothing is for granted.
Life is so short.
If you strongly feel something, you go ahead and fight for what's right.
I know at 18 years old I met my soulmate.
I know when he was 18 years old, he felt the same way when away in boot camp.
I know we promised each other things back then when we were in love with each other.
I know it's too early to think about years from now.
It takes time
It takes patience
It takes understanding
It takes communication
It takes distance
It takes risks
It takes chances
It takes a while to figure everything out
I know somewhere deep inside, he needs to do his own thing and figure out everything.
I know somewhere deep inside me, this is who I want to have, someone to be with.
I know somewhere deep down, he just needs to cope with everything and I have to accept this.
I know we both need time away from each other
To know another one
To understand that with us being alone
We have to understand that if we were able to talk again, to get back together before,
Somehow we can make it work
Even with all our ups and downs
And him turning my frowns upside down
And being in two different towns
It can all work out

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