Chapter 4

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uhammad opened his eyes

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uhammad opened his eyes. Williams and Daniel were looking down at him.

"Champ can you hear me?"

"Wake up."

"The paramedics are on their way." Muhammad immediately knew trouble struck because in his vision a white plus sign with a red circle around it pulsed.

"I'm gonna kill 'em. I am," Williams screamed.

"He's awake. Can you hear me?" Daniel shouted. Muhammad felt he was horizontal and realized a towel was under the back of his head.

"What's happening?" Everyone was shrieking.

"You fainted." Muhammad remembered seeing the metal dagger.

"Oh! Dang did I? I did!"

"You did," Williams said.

"I hate needles." Gabriel and Daniel laughed with eyes sealed. They were happy Muhammad was coherent.

"We know Champ. We know. He's gone." Muhammad leaned forward.

"Easy Champ," Williams said.

"That idiot is getting kicked out of the AGC. I promise." Paul burst into the dressing room with his two paramedics. He immediately crouched down and shined a light in Muhammad's eye.

"How long was he out?" Paul asked.

"He just came to. And maybe ten seconds he was out. He saw the needle and dropped. My man hates needles with a passion. We're sorry about that Champ. I didn't even see him with it," Daniel said.

"Muhammad. Do you know where you are?" the doctor asked.

"I'm defending my title." Everyone laughed, because to them seeing a bad ass faint is incomprehensible. But, not to the paramedics, they were working. As for me, its funny and I'll use it as ammo against him soon enough. Now, back to the part when this maggot is talking again.

"I'm fine. Why did he have a needle?"

"Dwayne's on that now," Paul answered Williams.

"I need to know. Is he able to fight doc?" Williams asked.

"I'll find out."

"That was quick," Williams said to Daniel, as he forcefully whacked his back. Daniel patted Muhammad's back and said, "It was nothing. I knew he was going down when I saw that darn needle."

"Well you saved the day," Paul said to Daniel. Daniel looked around and saw Brannan, Gabriel, the paramedics and others focusing on him.

"Looks like I'm quick too. You ready to fight?"


"Hold on. I make the call. Can you stand?" Paul asked. Muhammad returned to his feet amidst sighs of relief and cheers. Muhammad was nudged, with eyes closed, to check for balance. Paul measured Muhammad's heart and respiratory rates.

I AM A HUMAN BEING: Said Muhammad To God When He Learned God DGAFWhere stories live. Discover now