Chapter 11 - Secret Passage

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Jack's P.O.V

"Who are you ?" I asked them, well, still cant see clear. I try to focus my sight but i cant. Then i fell asleep. Again.

-Le Time Skip-

I woke up with a massive headache and a pain on my back. My eyes are still blurry. I got up and just sit on the ground, my elbow support my weight then i look around, searching for my staff and i tried to reach for it but failed cause its far. I try to reach it once more and suddenly someone take it and give me the staff

"Here" said the person to me. It's a woman's voice. I grab the staff and she give her hand to help me stand.

"Are you all right?" She asked me and held out her hand for me to take. I look toward the direction of the voice and focus my vision so i can see clearer. "Wow" is all i could say, my jaw nearly dropped and i hold it . Then she's just looking at me seriously with her eyebrows knitted in confusion

She has a platinum blonde hair that is braided messy yet gorgeous, well not that messy. A really mesmerizing blue eyes, the most beautiful blue eyes that i've ever seen... Stop it, Jack! She has a pale soft skin, well i never touched it, but it looks so soft..She has a perfect lips..

She wears a crystal-blue, off-the-shoulder dress made out of ice with a right knee-high slit, at the back of her bodice is a long, transparent cape of sheer ice draped down from her sleeves and decorated with big snowfla-

"What are you thinking about ?" She suddenly asked me, distracting me from my crazy thought, then i just stared at her beautiful eyes.

"Well, I'm thinking about how perfect this lady in front of me is...." I answered her. Then i realize that her hand is still in front of me, so i take her hand then i stand up, her hand... Its cold? well maybe its just me, i got up still staring at her beautiful blue eyes and admiring them. She just stood there with no expression for a minute, then she shook her head and smile sweetly

"I'm Elesia" She said to me with a soft beautiful voice, oh that voice.. Stop it already Jack! You're saying beautiful way too much!

"I'm Jack, nice to meet you, Elsa" i replied her with a smile. Her eyes grew wide open like she's in shocked or something and she look down to her feet with a worried face, but still a little emotionless.

"Whats wrong ?" I asked her, tilting my head a little. She then looked at me and smile.

"Nothing, and by the way, it's Elesia, not elsa" She replied me sweetly.

"Oh, sorry.. But, can i call you Elsa ?" I asked her, she just nodded slowly and beautifully

"Yes, you can"

And i cant help but stare at her beautiful blue eyes again, and awkward silence begun.........

"So!" I said, breaking the awkward atmosphere between us "Where's the other girl ?" Well, i'm pretty sure i saw 2 lady before i passed out.

"Other girl ?" She asked me , raising her left eyebrow a little.

"Yes, other girl, the one that is beside you before i woke up again" I explained "The one with the golden blonde long hair"

Again, she looks so surprised. Good job, Jack, you just make a girl you just met shocked by your question for 3 times in less than 24 hours. Way to go. Ugh. Wait, hmm... maybe there is other girl.. Maybe she's just afraid that i will think that the other girl is prettier than her, so she doesn't want to show me! That's it! That must be it!

"Hey, i will not think that the other girl is prettier than you, trust me" i blurted out, don't care if its the real reason or what, i mean, its obvious.

Sun or Snow ( Jack Rapunzel Elsa / jackunzel jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now