Chapter 19 - Beginning Of Destruction

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Jack's P.O.V

Weeks had passed and there's no sign of this 'Rapunzel'

Everyday i woke up in Elsa's castle, go search for Rapunzel till night came, and return with empty hand. Everyday. Maybe she's dead already, maybe i should stop searching for her. I don't remember her anyway.

I continue my first reason I'm here, until one day, i gave up. I stop searching for Rapunzel. Do i got home? No, I'm still here, in Trystal, with Elsa beside me.

Its been how long? Seven or eight weeks. It means, around two months, huh? That is a pretty long time.

In that two months, i grew closer and closer to Elsa. She's starting to open up a little bit more. She smiles, laughs, she even dance with me when i asked her. Her usual dull but beautiful blue eyes is now full of emotions. Sometimes it shine with happiness, sometimes sadness, sometimes exitment.

She even told me her childhood, which is not that good. She said that she never smiles when she was a little child and she always feels lonely cause she never had a friend before. And i told her about my past with my sister. So it will be equal.

She's actually a pretty fun person if you know her better. She could be serious, funny, kind, scary, and fun at the same time.

Im glad I'm here.

Elsa's P.O.V

It has been two months since Jack came here. We always search for Rapunzel almost everyday in a week. He always spare time for me and him to have fun a little and forget about his problem once in a while.

He always taught me new things, new games, everything that father and mother never told me. And in return, i told him about my childhood.

I had fun this past two months i've spend with Jack. He's fun to be with. He's full of energy, funny, kind, caring, and also honest.

He even told me about his sister. How he saved her, and how he became Jack Frost.

And now here we are, chatting in the snow, just the both of us. With no one interrupting. This is one of the moments i love with Jack. Just talking about random things. Oh how i hope that this moment will last forever. How i hope that father would just forget about his plan.

How i'd hope.

Rapunzel's P.O.V

It has been two months, two months and Jack hadn't even realize that the girl he's with now is the one that kidnap his girlfriend. Or his ex-girlfriend. I don't know anymore.

Sure, we haven't make our break up oficial, but what else could you expect when your lover doesn't even remember you anymore?

Well at least he tried to search for me, that is enough to keep me sane. But now that he has given up to search for me, i don't know what else could keep my sanity.

Locked in a tower that looks exactly like the one that has been lock me for eighteen years. With chain in my neck. And a gross food to eat. I don't even know why i feel hungry, maybe because my power as a guardian is fading away.

No, Jack promised me that he will always love me no matter what, he promised.


Im a guardian of Creativity and Hope. My power is giving people idea for art and giving people hope. That means i could see people's bad memories and make them remembers the good memories they had instead of remembering the bad one again and again.

And as funny as it sounds, i am now dating the biggest prankster amongst the guardians, Jackson Overland Frost. The guardian of fun, also my savior. turns out that he is on the duty to get me cause i've been chosen to be a new guardian.

Sun or Snow ( Jack Rapunzel Elsa / jackunzel jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now