Chapter 13 - That Ice Castle

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Jack's P.O.V

"hey, where is these staircase lead us into?"

"It leads us to the upper floor"

"Upper floor? what's in there?" i asked

"I'll show you later, now shall we look around the first floor first?"


She then lends me her hand, which i gladly take it so now our hands are intertwined with each other again. Her soft-cold hand pressed against my rough-cold one...

Okay, that was cheesy. Stop it Jack!

She lead me to look around in the first floor, there's 5 bedrooms, each with a king sized bed and a big dresser. All the rooms are the same, even the door patterns are the same, a big black snowflake in the middle of it and a bunch of smaller blue snowflakes around it. But there's one room that is different, even by the decoration of the door, i can tell that it belongs to someone who really loves and appreciate art. I mean, there's a big golden flower in the middle of the door with a swirl patterns around the flower.

"Hey Elsa ?"

"Yes ?" She look towards me and tilt her head to the right a little. Making her messy yet gorgeous braid fell.

"What's inside this room ?" i pointed at the door we're passing just a moment ago. And she gulped, slightly, almost impossible to see, but i caught it.

"O-oh... It's just... uh.. where i put all my gold, silver, and... gemstones collection.." She stutters. She looks nervous, what's behind that door?

"Wow, you collect gemstones ?" I pushed my suspicious mind and decided to believe her.

"Yeah..." She said

"Can i see it ?" I turn around to face the door but then she grabbed my wrist and stop me

"No!" I turn to look at her, eyebrows raised.

"I-I mean... You can't, we should have my father's permission to get inside"

"....Okay" i said, not really believing her excuse but doesn't want to ruin the moment either.

Then we continue to walk around. There's a big room full of ice statues, and a big room with a black crystal lamp hanging in the ceiling to the center of the room , maybe that's where the ball be held. We talked a little while she gave me a little tour of her castle.

We talked about another dimension, which we call 'Earth', the guardians, how i made Jamie and the other play snowball fight, and how there's technology in earth.

"So, we have this little device that could be used to text or call someone in another part of the world, we could even see them using web cam" I explained it to her

"Well, we have it too, what's yours called?" She asked

"Cell phone"

"Mine is a shell" She answered.

"I know that, and I'm kinda shocked the first time i saw it, cause in my world, a shell is just an animal"

"And its what you called 'cell phone' here" I laugh, so does she.

Now we're back in the first place we arrive.

"So, we're done with the first floor, now upstairs" she said to me and i nod. Then she leads me to the staircase and we go upstairs.

We talked another little chit chat. More like i tell her all about me, like favorite season, favorite color, age, and my ability to fly. But she's just listening to my story not even bother to tell me about her life.

Sun or Snow ( Jack Rapunzel Elsa / jackunzel jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now