{11} Rollercoaster

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Let's just say I have a little bit of an obsession with rollercoasters. The rush of adrenaline you get is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Better than sex, I can tell you that for sure. And although I was excited to go to Thorpe park, one of the top theme parks in the UK, some part of me was sad that Jack and I were just going out as friends.

I received a text from Conor, asking if I would like to go round his today. I politely declined, saying that I was busy with something. Besides, especially after the pep-talk he gave me yesterday, I did not want him knowing that I was seeing Jack. Even if it is as just friends.


I met Jack outside of the gate of Thorpe Park. Nevertheless, I was excited, but startled when he engulfed me into a hug. We paid for our tickets and made it into the park.

I ran towards a rollercoaster called The Swarm, which is a wing coaster (basically a coaster that travels with the cart hanging off the side of the track). Jack followed me, chuckling at my childish antics. 'Good God that looks terrifying', I hear him mutter. I let out a giggle.

We wait in a twenty minute queue line before boarding the Rollercoaster. We watch as the lap bars come down, holding us in place. As the ride goes through its first drop, I hear Jack screaming like crazy. Jack would practically go on any ride, but would still scream like there was no tomorrow, which was one of the reasons I loved him so much.

We exited the cart and the station, laughing at the experience. Jack's face was flushed a shade of scarlet, most likely from his screams.

We then proceeded to go on basically every Rollercoaster there. Jack pointed to a ride called Samurai, which wasn't a rollercoaster but a ride that spins you around like crazy. I shook my head. I don't do flat rides, I mean I would but I get motion sickness on them. 'Okay, I know you don't like rides like this', he spoke, I nodded. 'But if you go on this with me, I'll go on Tidal wave with you'.

Tidal wave is a water ride that's only purpose is to get you soaking wet. I would love to see Jack's face when his hair gets wet, so I hesitantly took his offer.


As we stood in the line, we saw two American teenagers start screaming hysterically.

I laughed while Jack looked at me with worry on his face. 'Sure?' He said, more of a question since he was being freaked out.


After a hug and selfie, the two girls walked away to go on the ride. My face was red from laughter. 'I'm actually quite pissed', I said, clearing my throat once I calmed down.
'Well you weren't the one getting HARASSED were you?', he smiled playfully.
'No. But why does the rest of the world always think us Brits talk like that? Now it's all about the 'Aye! BMT shut up fam look at that peng ting over there. I hope I don't get shanked by some butterz guy who wants a cheeky Nando's'.

He laughed once again at my impression, making me melt, before getting on the ride.


The whole ride experience was a blur. I felt sick, my head was pounding like crazy and I could feel myself begin to panic. At long last, the ride was over and I rushed to the nearest bin, throwing up.

Jack ran over to me, once I finished of course because he hates the sight of seeing someone be sick, drawing circles on my back to help. I got a tissue out of my pocket and wiped my mouth. 'Are you okay?' He asked with concern and I nodded, 'I guess that means we should just go home'.

I pulled his sleeve. 'You promised you would go on tidal wave with me' I somewhat threatened. He sighed.


We walked off of Tidal wave, both drenched with water. I punched his arm playfully, saying that it wasn't so bad. He had a few strands of hair glued to his forehead, which I reached up and moved out the way. His clothes were wet, his hair was wet, every inch of him was completely soaked in water. I felt kind of sorry for him.

But part of me melted at how adorable he looked soaking wet.

21 Years Young (Jack Maynard)Where stories live. Discover now