{20} I love you

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'Win me back over?' Jack said, clearly a little startled whilst he blinked those pretty blue eyes of his.

I looked down at the floor, seeing it become my biggest fascination at this current moment and a light pink shade blushing over my cheeks.

I looked back up again to see Jack smirking. 'You can never win me back over'.

I could practically feel my heart split as I swallowed the lump in my throat in attempt to get rid of the tears piling up at the edge of my eyelid, ready to spill. Of course he wouldn't want to get back together, he knows he already made one mistake and doesn't want to make the same one again. I bit my lip   to stop a desperate son from escaping my mouth. We have come all this way together only to end up as nothing once again. I was so sick of keeping up this tough facade but I knew I couldn't let my emotions out.

He scooted up next to me and wrapped his tattooed arm around my shoulder. 'Before you burst into tears, I didn't finish', he smiled, 'you can't win me back when you've already had my heart this whole time'.

It didn't take long for me to wrap my arms around his shoulders and rapidly press my lips against his. We kissed, but this time there were no hints of lust. It was full of passion and love, his soft thin lips moving in sync with mine. Honestly, never have I ever felt so right. My whole life has seemed like a mistake up until this moment.

We pulled apart, not saying anything for a few moments, simply enjoying each other's presence. The split that occurred in my heart just a few minutes ago was quickly healed and was replaced by a warm feeling, telling me that my soul mate was right here in front of me. The far too perfect player that tore my heart and threw it on the concrete, stamping over it with his designer shoes was the only one who could fix it, us both being in much better mental states when we were together.

I rested my head on his shoulder, a light smile on my face. Jack brought me happiness, a happiness that I have never known to feel with anyone, not even like Conor cheering me up with his jokes after a shit day. Not even like the rush of adrenaline I got on a roller coaster.

'Do you want to try again? Be my girlfriend?',he asked softly.

I felt safe, the beautiful feeling of security embraced me with the form of the blonde boy next to me.

'I would love to be your girlfriend, Jack'.

With that one sentence, we knew that both of our lives changed for the better.

We stayed like that, wrapped up in each other's arms, seeing that the light from the end of the tunnel had reached out and shone brightly on us.

'I love you Jack', I whispered, not only admitting to him but myself.

It was finally a happy ever after.

'I love you too, Zoe'.

The End•

21 Years Young (Jack Maynard)Where stories live. Discover now