And we meet again!

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I knew it! In my 20 years on earth, I have come to discover that first impressions are the most lasting and are correct most of the time. Like that one time when dad brought in a cat and it was running all over the place causing a nuisance every five minutes, I just knew this cat was in to bring trouble, I also knew it wouldn't last a week in that house before dad would transport it back to wherever the heck it came from. Or that time when I caught Joyce's first boyfriend running his hands through Joyce's back with mum and dad right there, and on the dinner table! I just knew he would turn out to be a real jerk. I mean everyone had to see it; the guy was obviously a player. He was known for his player ways in school but only Joyce believed he had changed. Of course that opinion didn't last for long as they broke up two weeks later, she caught him shoving his throat in the next thing on skirt. I was even surprised it lasted that long. Well, I wasn't wrong then and I'm still not wrong now.
Daphne had stayed our room for practically the whole week. I knew this was gonna happen but oh well it wasn't as bad as I thought. Daphne turned out to be a fun person, and her personality was ever hilarious. She mimicked people well and she wasn't the best person to keep a secret with as she spilled the secrets of many while making fun of others. It wasn't all that good but it was fun and so I made sure to keep my mouth sealed any time she was around; which was practically always!.
The week had gone by swifty and I was getting used to Juilliard. My first lecture was amazing, same was the second and then third. It was Friday now and I had acting class. My first practical theater class. I was kind of nervous because I suspected scratch that I knew I was terrible at acting. I didn't want to believe I had zero potential but then at the same time I knew I wasn't amazing and had many flaws. 'Well, that's what you're in school for, right? To learn' I said these encouraging words to myself but still doubted they would help.
"Okay everyone come together". We were using a very big empty space, Room 402. It was like a hall. There were different compartments for different classes I think, this compartments were separated by a very big wooden board. We split into three groups to reduce our number. I was in group B. I think we were about 20-25 rough sketch we were told to come together again. My eyes scanned the people in my group, they looked okay. I got scared again. 'This people must have real talent'. I kept on saying in my head but I still held my head up high, and tried my best to look confident. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized the instructor had arrived. At that moment I felt someone by my side tap me and he pointed at the guy who was mumbling some words before me. Those blue eyes. His eyes were the first I noticed. OMG. Its the cute judge from my audition! He moved closer to us and continued what he was saying (i assume)."I'm your theater practical instructor. Brad Peterson". Then I had flashbacks in my mind. I saw myself falling on that stage and how I had totally embarrassed myself that day. Just kill me😭. "Young lady? Are you alright?"he said. I looked at him and nodded my head. "Good. So get your shit together cuz rehearsals are about to start". Woah, someone was mean. He didn't even recognize me, I don't know why but I was a bit disappointed. I guess he wouldn't recognize someone like me. I hadn't given an amazing performance at my audition. "Okay. Listen up guys", he began "I'm sharing some scripts now, you have five minutes to learn those lines and your characters right. So uhh" , he looked around as though he was looking for who to point to, 'please don't pick me, please please please' I cried in my mind. Then he called out three people, two guys and a girl. I breathed a sigh of relief. The role of one of the guys was to act as a drunk husband who was just sacked from work and that same day, his car got stolen, also on that same day as if that was not enough he comes home to meet his 'supposed' best friend and his wife on their matrimonial bed. Talk about a real mess right. The second guy was the best friend and the girl the wife.
The professor ( as I later discovered he was), told them to introduce themselves first. The girl caught my attention she was really pretty with purple eyes, brown hair with a strand of purple. She also bad a good figure and she made sure to wear an outfit that showed it, the other guy was cute too. He had this baby cuteness. And the last one, well he was okay. The girl introduced herself as Miranda, the other two guys James and Chad (the cute one).
They started acting and did really well they were given five minutes to act their scripts. During the period they were acting, I looked towards the professor to see him scrambling some notes on a notepad. He was probably accessing them. I began to think again of how I was going to pull my act together and pull through, just then the same guy who tapped me the first time tapped me again, I looked at him with a confused face then he pointed to the direction of the professor. Oh no. Not again. I looked at him and he looked pissed now. "You do realize this means serious business right, he began, so I would like you to come out of whatever dreamland you are in, we really don't care here, we've got other important stuff to do" ouchh. why so straight forward? I knew immediately that when he said 'we' he was mainly referring to 'himself'. He continued, "now you're next. Switch roles, play the rule of the frustrated wife, you just got home and caught your husband in bed with your best friend".
What? This wasn't fair. I had already practised the role of the cheating wife in my head. I was so not ready to play the victim here. That was much harder to act. I moved to the circle with confidence, I always show confidence even when I have none😂. Okay this wasn't funny. I needed to get my act together and act! I introduced myself and so did the other girl and the cheating husband. Then I began;; I walked in, put on a tired and frustrated face. Acted normal then opened the door to my bedroom, I immediately dropped the bag I was holding and ran out. "Cut!" I heard the professor say. He looked at me and shook his head. "So this is what you'll do, if you find out that your husband, whom you've been married to for five good years is cheating on you with your childhood best friend whom you tell all your secrets to, on the same day that you lost your job and your brand new car???? You'll just leave your bag there and walk away??" Oh oh. I smelled trouble. I didn't know what to act or how to react. He had switched the roles, so I couldn't use the script, everything in the script is what a man would say. I had to freestyle. "Read the freaking script!!", now he was screaming. Why is he taking it so personal anyway, did his girlfriend leave him for his best friend or is he just a grade A sadist. I was gonna do this well. I started again walked in on them and really acted well. When I finished the remaining people(permit me to call them audience) were all clapping. Wow, I must have done really well then.
The professor did what I expected someone like him would do. He ordered them to keep shut. "This is not a competition" he said, "you aren't permitted to clap for anyone". What??? 'Really?' Yup, definitely a sadist.
We finished rehearsals and everyone was leaving the hall. I packed my stuff to leave too, was walking down to the exit, just then I heard my name, "Aubrey Parker", I turned. It was the professor. What the heck? He knew my name all this while? Wow. I paused and waited for what he had to say. "A word please", he said not looking like he even meant the 'please'. Oh boy. I guess its time to know what's in store for me. Hopefully I'll make it through the semester with him. Hopefully. Mum help me.

Hola!!! Thanks for reading and I apologize for the late update. Hope u guys liked it. Don't forget to hit the vote button and hit the comment section. Gracias😘.

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