Caption this.

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     I got back to school on Sunday because  I had to prepare for my early morning class on monday.  Joyce's wedding  was in two months so there was still enough time to prepare. The entrance to the hostel was crowded.  I saw some students carrying postcards and saying 'bring back our pets',   'abolish the stupid rule of no pets allowed',  I sighed as I  made my way through the angry set of people,   mostly female.  I almost felt sad when I saw a girl with the post card of 'I miss my little chocho',  like really?  Who names their pet Chocho? .  Plus she looked really depressed,  this Chocho obviously meant a lot to her.  The hostel administration had banned the bringing in of any kind of animal into the hostels.  This was because of the tragic incident that occurred sometime last week- where during the regular inspection,  the matron of the hostel was bitten by what she described as 'a disturbingly wild dog'.  She said this that same day,  during night announcements which they have once in a blue moon.  Well that didn't make any sense,  Big macho  Susan could bring in her scary tools but the normal average female couldn't bring in a pet? . Really? 
     After surviving  the ultimate struggle,  I walked to my room  feeling proud.  I was really tired though.  The drive was surprisingly long this time and now I just wanted to get some sleep.  I wondered if Aisha and Daphne were around. I doubted if Daphne would be around as she mentioned that she would be out practicing for a pageant.  You see,  she had recently  entered into this 'beauty search',  the university was having. She talked about it all through last week and was really excited. She said she missed out on it in her first year because she found out about the competition late and she didn't want to do it in her finals because she would be to busy with  school work and the struggle to graduate with a good CGPA.  So according to her,  'now was the perfect time! ',  I smiled as I remembered the excitement on her face while she talked about it. Anyways,  the beauty search sounds like something  Dapne would do,  she was pretty,  had good and soft skin plus she was really tall.
         I opened the door and didn't even bother to look around,  I went straight to my bed and threw my bags on it then hugged my pillow so tight and muttered,  'I missed u',  I sighed,  sat up to untie my shoe lace when I heard a male voice,  "you must be really tired".  I almost fell off my bed.  I maintained my balance and looked up,  the surprise getting to me. I saw a guy that looked like he was in his late twenties  sitting on Aisha's bed. "Who are you?"  I asked looking straight into his eyes whilst getting up and grabbing a pen from the top of my bed drawer and pointing it at him.  "Really? A pen?",  he answered my question with another question.  A sarcastic one for that matter. It wasn't funny.  I was not going to be ridiculed in my own room!  "Answer! Or I'll call security",  now he got up and moved towards me,  attempting to take the pen away from my hand.  I moved backwards,  I calculated my next move in my head.  I wasn't such a good fighter but I could give really good kicks. "Relax",  he began scratching his head and changing his facial expression.  Was that a sorry one?  I am so not going to be swayed by those tricky puppy dog eyes mister,  so think again.  He interrupted my thoughts with his next words,  "I'm here to see Aisha".  Aisha?  "That is not answer,  I said who are you?",  I asked now moving forward,  he shouldn't think I let my guard down.  "A friend? " he stated like it was obvious but I just refused to see it.  "No actually,  I'm her fiance" he concluded with a chuckle on his face.  "What??" Aisha had a fiance and I didn't know?  Did everyone around me  decide to get married?.  "Where's Aisha?" I asked.  "I don't know,  out I assume?".  "So how did you get in?" I asked almost immediately.  "Uhmm I have my own keys?" Was he serious? "Why do you have the keys to a the room of a female hostel where not only Aisha stays?".  "Do you have a question to everything?" He was playing tricks. He did have a funny accent though. But still, if he was really Aisha's fiance she would have mentioned it or at least given us a heads up that someone else had the keys to the room.  Why would she keep quiet about this?.  "Look,  I'm not here to cause trouble or anything,  you can call Aisha to confirm if you don't feel comfortable having me here".  Why hadn't I thought about that.  I picked up my phone to call Aisha,  and she confirmed apologizing constantly on the phone.  Oh.  Just great!  And I thought I was the one with secrets. 
       Aisha came in like thirty minutes later,  I checked the time on my phone it was 6:25 pm, male visitors are not allowed beyond 7pm.  One of the many rules the female occupants dreaded. "What are you doing here?" That was the first thing she said when she got in.  "C'mon love,  aren't you happy to see your fiance?" Okay,  I was lost,  what's up with all the drama?.  I knew this was my cue to leave but there was so much drama,  plus my butt was stuck to my bed so I couldn't leave.  "I thought I told you never to come back here?  and why do you still have my keys?" Aisha looked really mad.  "I'm sorry for coming here without  first telling you,  but I wanted it to be a surprise,  I was in the country and I decided to pay a visit to my sweet cake,  what's wrong with that?".  This guy had a funny look.  And sweet cake? Really?  Who even says that? I let out a chuckle unknowingly and they both turned to face me.  Oh oh,  my cue to leave.  I got up and faked a smile, "I'll be outside.  Take your time uhh?" And with that I left the room. 
    I wandered around the hallway and I met Daphne. She was on the phone with someone.  "Okay yeah.  I totally understand,"  she looked at me smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Woah,  what was up now?   ".. Sure I'll be there,  yeah,  count me in,  I won't disappoint you.  Thanks" and with that she ended the call. After that she started doing her victory dance,  her funny victory dance.  I spoke up,  "you know you're gonna have to tell me what's up at some point right?  How did the practice go and why are you all happy".  "Guess!" She said almost immediately,  really?  I hated guessing.  I never got stuff like this correctly.  "You won the competition?"   Her facial expression changed,  "No,  I was kicked out.  Besides the competition isn't until next week",  she replied.  "Then why are you... ",  I began to talk then it hit me.  "... wait what??  You were kicked out?  Why?".  She just shoved me, off and moved past me.  "Daphne Pedro get back here immediately!".   "Woah,  slow down Parker,  you sound like my grandad",  she said giving me her wit face.  "I don't understand how are you happy about that? And who were you talking  with on the phone?",  she turned and faced me now,  "do you have a question to everything? "_ this was the second person telling  me this today. I released a frustrated sigh,  "why do people keep saying this!!?  And why does it seem like everyone has secrets they're keeping!! Gosh." I threw my hands up in the air,  like that would help. Daphne looked at me confused then said,  "what do you mean by everyone keeping secrets?  Who is keeping a secret from you Aubrey?".  I came closer,  I had dropped my hands now.  "Well I came back from East Hampton today to meet Aisha's Fiance in my room",  "I didn't even get his name"_ I said,  more to myself,  now discovering that It never occurred to me to ask and he didn't tell. 
      Daphne was giving me this 'I don't believe you face'.  I nodded,  "yes dear,  dearest Aisha is engaged".  "So how come she didn't tell?",  "I don't  know",  I answered,  "... and who's this fiance?".  "Again, I don't know.  Like I said I just met him some,.. " I looked at my phone it was 6:45pm,   "... Minutes ago.  About 20 or so".  I added.  Daphne turned and started walking towards the room.  I ran to stop her.  "Woah,  woah woah. Relax.. "_ I said trying to catch my breath. She seemed furious.  Well she had a right to be.  I mean that's some really big secret Aisha kept from us.  She didn't even wear a ring!. "What?" She asked,  like she was demanding an explanation.  "What is,  they're having a pretty heated discussion so you can't go in there now.  Just wait till seven.  Visitors will soon leave".  Just then,  we heard from the speakers directly above us.  "Time for all male visitors to get ready to leave.  Fifteen minutes more".  I was already sick of that.  Like this particular voice,  I heard it every single day!.  "Ouch." I said.  The speakers were to loud on my ears,  now I moved away from them taking Daphne along,  "besides,  you still have to tell me why you were all excited after the phone call".  I waited for her response. "Fine.. ",  she began,  saying the 'fine',  like she had no other choice.  "I got disqualified today at practice. I was rude to the dance coordinator,  and then the supervisor of the competition ",  I kept my gaze on her. It was intense then she added.  ".. and then one of the judges...  but I had a solid reason". She said,  her eyes popping up. "They discriminated against an African American  girl who had on more weight than they required.  She was pretty but they wouldn't give her  a chance. And the supervisor was really mean to her.  That woman's like the head witch of them all".  I went forward to hug her feeling sorry.  But then she removed my hands,  "the good news comes,  I've just been selected to be the face of Juilliard for the upcoming recital!!!!".  Wow.  This was Huge with a capital H.  Her face was going to be on practically all the posters that would be made to invite people.  And people from all over the world were gonna be present.  Juilliard was a big school.  "Congratulations dear,  I'm so happy for you",  I said hugging her.  Just then Aisha's Fiance walked to meet us.  I let Daphne go and said.  "Daphne this is Aisha's fiance... ",  I didn't know his name,  so I raised a brow,  waiting for him to take a hint that it was his cue.  "Oh,  I'm prince Hakeem of Jabee",  what?  "Prince??",  Daphne and I said at the same time wutg our mouths wide open. Shocker.  Aisha definitely had a lot of explaining to do. 


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